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Friday, September 9, 2011

09/09/11 Temple Sholom Weekly E-Bulletin

Temple Sholom E-Bulletin September 9th, 2011
Temple Sholom Sancuary

This Week 2

Friday, September 9th

Musical Friday Night Services

Sunday, September 11th

September 11th, 2011 Commemoration Minyan

Monday, September 12th

Red Cross Blood Drive

Tuesday, September 13th

High Holiday Lunch 'n' Learn with Rav David

Thursday, September 15th

Turmoil and Transformation in Israel and the Middle East with AJC's David Harris

Seats are filling up quickly!

AJC Westchester and Temple Sholom


Turmoil and Transformation in Israel and

the Middle East

Thursday, September 15th, 7:30pm

Featuring David Harris,

AJC National Executive Director

American Jewish Committee Executive Director David Harris offers an insider's perspective on the current climate of change in the Middle East, and its impact on our Jewish homeland. He will discuss the recent revolutions throughout the Middle East and the UN General Assembly discussions on UDI - the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Palestinians.

Join us to learn about the possibilities and perils of the Middle East protests and the Palestinian unilateral action at the UN, and get a behind-the-scenes perspective that will go beyond what is reported in the media. Do not miss this opportunity to hear a compelling and charismatic speaker discuss issues crucial to the life of our Jewish state.

Reserve your spot now by contacting Alice Schoen at alice.schoen@templesholom.com or

call (203) 542-7165.

This event is co-sponsored by AJC Westchester and Temple Sholom in partnership with the Westchester Jewish Council, the UJA-Federation of NY, and the UJA-Federation of Greenwich.

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Candle Lighting
Friday, September 9th
Temple Sholom's
Worship Schedule
Friday, September 9th
6:30 - 7:15pm

Saturday, September 10th
9:30am - 12:00pm

Sunday, September 11th
8:30 - 9:15am

Temple Sholom

Simcha Corner

jewish star image

Mazel Tov To:

Debbie and Cliff Robbins on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Reid Jeremy.

Marty Flashner on the 45th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah.

Rabbi's Weekly Teaching

As we commemorate the 10th anniversary of the horror of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks, I am mindful of the Torah verse: "God is at war with Amalek for all generations."

According to rabbinic tradition, Amalek rises to attack the innocent in each generation, and it is our responsibility to ever be prepared and vigilant in effectively combating this terror.

In Deuteronomy chapter 25, Moses instructs us about Amalek and our need to commit Amalek's hateful actions to memory: "Remember what Amalek did to you on the road, on your way out of Egypt. That they encountered you on the way and cut off those lagging to your rear, when you were tired and exhausted; they did not fear God. Therefore . .

Click here to see the full version of this teaching.

Join Us For Tashlich & Lunch With Sheldon Low

Friday, September 30th at 2:00pm

Sheldon Low Publicity Photo

Join Rabbi Mitch with special guest Sheldon Low, at the home of

Jen and Mickey Lowitt.

We'd love to have you join us.

Please rsvp to Alice Schoen at

(203) 542-7165 or email her at alice.schoen@templesholom.com.

Join the Sisterhood!

sisterhood 2011

Join the Temple Sholom Sisterhood for these exciting programs - just a taste of an exciting year ahead:

Neshama Yoga, Friday, September 16th, 9:15am

Sisterhood will be offering a trial class of Neshama Yoga in Temple Sholom's Youth Lounge. Neshama Yoga, developed by Jackie Tepper, RYT, is a fusion of Kundalini Yoga and Jewish spirituality. It accesses the healing and elevating effects of Kundalini Yoga within a Jewish context. Click here for information about this unique form of Yoga.

Mahjonng, Monday, September 19th, 7:00pm

Sisterhood will begin its monthly Mahonng evenings for experience and beginner players.Temple members and nonmembers are welcome! Our teacher, Stephanie Buckley, will be available monthly if needed. To play with Stephanie, fee is $10 - limited to 16 new players. You must rsvp to be insured a spot at a table. Please let us know if you can bring a mahjonng set!

Book Club, Wednesday, October 26th, 7:00pm

Marilyn Schwartz will be leading a discussion on the book My Father's Paradise by Ariel Sabar. Marilyn is a Temple member and experienced book club facilitator.

If you have any questions regarding any of Sisterhood programs, please call Phyllis Shapiro at (203) 637-7809 or email her at wigini@gmail.com.


Rosh Hashanah Greeting

and Yizkor Book of Remembrance

Have you received your mailing regarding participation in the annual Sisterhood New Year's/Rosh Hashanah greeting and Yizkor Book of Remembrance?

Don't wait to respond! Deadline for participation is September 16th, 2011. For more information, call Debbie Finkelstein at (203) 625-3182 or email her at debbiefink@aol.com.

Welcome Back

to Temple Sholom

Nursery and Religious School!

Selma Maisel Nursery School

Monday, September 12th, First Day for 3 day 2s (MWF), 3s and 4s.

Tuesday, September 13th, First day for 2 day 2s and 3 day 2s (TTF).

Click here for a complete nursery school calendar.

Religious School

Sunday, September 18th, First Day for Pre K - 2nd grades.

Wednesday, September 20th, First Day for 3rd - 7th grades & Sababa.

Click here for a complete religious school calendar.

September 11th, 2001:

Our Community Remembers

yahrzeit candle

As mourners and witnesses, we join with our community in remembering and honoring the lives that were lost on September 11th, 2001.

Temple Sholom will hold a service of remembrance during our Sunday morning minyan on the morning of September 11th. Minyan services begin at 8:30am. Memorial prayers will take place at 9:00am.

We will then share in a breakfast and text study in our Social Hall, starting at 9:15am.

The Greenwich Community Commemoration

will take place at 6:30pm at Town Hall. The ceremony is open to the public and will include a reading of names, candle lighting, special salutes and music. Rabbi Mitch and the Greenwich Fellowship of Clergy will be participating in this program.

All are welcome.

Temple Sholom

Mission to Israel:

Informational Meeting

Tuesday, September 20th


Don't miss out on this special opportunity to travel to the Holy Land on a trip led by Rabbi Mitch, Rev. Jim Lemler, and Temple Sholom staff members.

Find out more at our congregational informational meeting on Tuesday, September 20th, at 7:00pm.

For more information, or to reserve your spot, call Lori Baden, Senior Director of Membership and Programming, at (203) 542-7162, or email lori.baden@templesholom.com.

Don't wait! Spaces are filling up quickly!

Click here to view the itinerary of Temple Sholom's Israel Trip - February 9th - 19th,

red cross

Red Cross

Blood Drive

Monday, September 12th, 1:45 - 6:45pm

Help Save A Life! This blood drive is sponsored by the Sholom Center.

lifelong learning

High Holiday 5772

Lunch 'n' Learn Series

with Rav David and

Cantor Asa

Throughout September, our

Lunch 'n' Learn series will help us to prepare for the High Holidays.

Tuesday, September 13th

12:00 - 1:00pm

The Human as Shofar - Themes and Images of the Holy Day Prayers

with Rav David.

Tuesday, September 20th

12:00 - 1:00pm

Getting Existential: Teshuva (Repentance) and the Remaking of the Self with Rav David

Tuesday, September 27th

12:00 - 1:00pm

High Holiday Melody Workshop with Cantor Asa.

Come hear some of your favorite High Holiday melodies, and learn more about the composers and musicians who have shaped our sacred Festival liturgy.

Cafe 5772:

A Celebration of the Jewish

New Year

Our Jewish Network of Young Couples (JNYC)

Fall Event

Saturday evening, September 17th,

at 8:00pm

This gathering in honor of the coming Jewish New Year 5772 will be an evening of live music, great food,

and socializing with friends,

hosted by Jennifer and Alon Kutai.

Featuring sushi and a dessert bar and live jazz under the stars!

To RSVP or for more information, please contact Sarah Fradkin at

(203) 204-2567 or email her at jnycgreenwich@gmail.com.

Kids: Got Game?

Parents: Want to coach?

Join the JBL!

We're looking for a few good 'ballers to put together one or more Temple Sholom teams for the 2011-12 season of the Westchester Jewish Basketball League. There are three divisions: 5th - 6th grade, 7th - 8th grade, and 9th - 12th grade. Both boys and girls who are not a senior varsity roster are eligible to play (teams are mixed gender, but mostly boys) and every player will participate in every game.

The season runs from late November through early March, and games are once a week.

If you're interested in playing or coaching, please come to our WJBL Informational Meeting in the Davis Lounge on Wednesday, September 21st, at 7:30pm.

For more information or if you have questions, contact Temple Sholom's resident 'baller, Rav David, at (203) 542-7163, or at RavDavid@templesholom.com.

High Holidays


Rosh Hashanah begins Wednesday, September 28th at sundown. Start preparing for the Days of Awe with Temple Sholom's High Holiday resources. Click here for a full schedule of services!

In and Around the Community...

The Jewish High School of Connecticut (JHSC) Open House, Sunday, October 23rd 1:00 - 3:00pm See what JHSC has to offer. Scholarships and tuition assistance are available. For more information, call JHSC at (203) 275-8448 or visit them on the web at info@jhsct.org.

Petition Against a Unilaterally Declared Palestine The United Nations General Assembly may hold a vote this September on whether or not to endorse a unilaterally declared Palestinian and it is important that we be prepared for this possibility. In an effort to raise our collective voice against a unilaterally declared Palestinian state, JCRC-NY has created an online petition which will be presented at a major press conference at the UN in September. We invite you to click here to sign the petition: http:www.jcrcny.org/udipetition.

The New World Chorus, a new community interfaith choir, will launch on September 15th. The music will be a blend of "contemporary faith music." To find out more visit http://newworldchorus.com.

Temple Sholom | 300 East Putnam Avenue | Greenwich | CT | 06830

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