Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Re: Greenwich Roundup

This site is useless! Every time I click on any link, the same story pops up...tonight it's about Greenwich REd Cross...other nights this week it's been the same sight for all links,also....I'm about to give up

-----Original Message-----
From: Greenwich Roundup <greenwichroundup@gmail.com>
To: eemacdk <eemacdk@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 4:41 pm
Subject: Greenwich Roundup

Greenwich Roundup

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:14 PM PDT
See attached for latest update on the environmental evaluation and remediation at Greenwich High School.

Please note that there will be a Public Open House on September 7, 2011 at 7PM, at Greenwich High School in order to provide an opportunity for an overview of the status to date and for questions to be addressed.


Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Public Schools
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT, 06830


Phone: 203-625-7415
Fax: 203-869-8003

Greenwich Board of Education * Town of Greenwich * GHS-MISA Building Committee
Greenwich, CT


GHS Field #1/Cardinal Stadium is Open for Practice

All Other GHS Fields Remain Closed Until Further Notice

Middle Schools' Interscholastic Sports Program Will Be Delayed

GHS Parking is Restricted to STAFF ONLY, No Student Parking

Environmental Evaluation Continues, Interim Remediation Plans in Development
Community Update and Open House Scheduled for September 7, 2011

General Note:

It is understood that members of the community are anxious for information regarding the use of the fields and the student parking at Greenwich High School as well as the results of the environmental testing. Please be assured that the many agencies, departments and organizations involved are working at an expedited rate in order to assess the situation, and to plan for and conduct interim remediation efforts with a focus on opening fields as soon as possible to accommodate Fall sports and to minimize the disruption that a contingency plan will have on other fields in the community.

Rumors about the status of the fields persist. We encourage the community to rely on these written updates from the Town/Schools/Building Committee and written correspondence from your coaches and/or Principals regarding the details of your program. Please check emails and the District/High School Web Site regularly for these updates.

In general, the organizations involved are working until the last minute to open a field, as in the case of Cardinal Stadium, and so there is little opportunity for advanced notice. As soon as information has been confirmed and final decisions have been made concerning any aspect of this situation it will be communicated as quickly as possible. The community's cooperation and patience as we navigate this very complex situation is appreciated.

Environmental Testing/Remediation:

The environmental evaluation at Greenwich High School is ongoing. Over 300 soil samples have been taken to date.

Early analysis reflects levels of PCBs from 'non-detected' to various levels in defined areas above the applicable cleanup standards. The Environmental Consultant (DTC) is developing an interim remediation plan in order to address the areas where contaminants were detected above the standards in order to open more of the fields. The applicable Federal and State cleanup standards for PCBs in soil is 1 milligram/kilogram (mg/kg). The attached figure depicts the PCB results obtained to date for shallow soil across the athletic fields. Other contaminants including arsenic and chlordane were detected at concentrations exceeding their respective cleanup standards in localized areas within the fields.

GHS West Parking Lot:

The removal of the contaminated piles of dirt in the west (back) parking lot and the restoration
of that lot for use will take at least 3-4 weeks. The investigation, removal and remediation of the contaminated soil is overseen by Federal, State and Local environmental and health officials, as well as two entities separate from the contractor licensed to remove the contaminated soil and remediate the site. There will be ongoing air-monitoring to
ensure the safety of all students, staff and workers during the soil removal process.

Health & Safety:

The Connecticut and Greenwich Departments of Health have provided information on PCB's in the documents attached and posted to the web site. Exposure to the risks of PCB's result from direct contact, inhalation, and/or ingestion. The District, Town and Building Committee are working closely with State and Federal Environmental and Health agencies/departments in order to minimize possible exposure. Air-monitoring has been ongoing both within and
outside of the building and will continue during the soil removal process. Thus far air monitoring has not detected any levels of PCB's above standards. Fields and Parking lots will not be re-opened without the approval of the Local, State and Federal agencies involved.

The information that we have received to date tells us that no PCB's have been detected in the ambient air, so exposure would be limited to contact with contaminated soil. While testing is still ongoing, we have been able to determine that most of the PCB's have been detected either in deep soil borings, or in localized shallower areas around the fields.

The majority of the fields and parking lots have shown PCB's are at acceptable levels. The Town/District has worked closely with State and Federal environmental and health officials who have approved opening fields as soil sample results are received and interim remedial measures are implemented to remove defined areas of PCB contaminated soil.


Parking at Greenwich High School is restricted to staff only for the start of school due to the removal of the contaminated piles of dirt in the west (back) parking lot and the restoration of that lot for use. It is estimated that this process will take at least 3-4 weeks. Therefore, student parking will not be permitted until further notice.

Plans have been developed to ensure bus capacity and to enhance traffic control measures. If eligible for transportation, please encourage students to take the bus in order to avoid a back up in drop off and pick up lines. If you must drive your children to school, please allow extra time. The start of the school day will NOT be delayed because of traffic.

Please note that parking on private property without permission will result in ticketing and/or towing. Parking on Hillside Road along the school property is permitted parking only and is restricted for staff.


Greenwich High School

Field #1 or Cardinal Stadium has been re-opened for practice. The Environmental Consultants, Local, State and Federal Agencies are working tirelessly in order to assess the situation, plan for and implement interim remediation efforts in order to properly address the areas of the fields that have been identified with PCB levels higher than the cleanup standard.

The goal is to address fields 3, 4, 6 & 7 in the immediate short-term in order to ready them for the fall sports program.

For the start of the season, practices and tryouts will be held at the Cardinal Stadium, middle
schools, Julian Curtiss School, and/or Greenwich Country Day School fields.

Athletic Department for details. This information will also be available on the District and high school web sites.

Coaches will communicate additional specifics directly to their teams as necessary.

Central, Eastern & Western Middle Schools:

The fall interscholastic middle school program will be delayed in order to cooperate with and accommodate the high school's interscholastic athletic program. The high school teams will be using the middle school fields for practice after school until such time as the high school fields can be readied for use and re-opened. The goal is to have the fields open at the high school by mid to late September.

School Operations - Start of School:

At this time, school will open for students as scheduled.

MISA Building Committee: The Greenwich High School Music Instructional Space and Auditorium (GHS-MISA) project is moving ahead as scheduled. The North and South parking lots will be completed before the start of school.


* Updates are posted to the District and Greenwich High School Web Sites as new information becomes available: www.greenwichschools.org - click on "Updates on Environmental Testing at GHS".

* ParentLink/Email Communications are sent directly to GPS/GHS families as updates are released and new information is available.

* The Board of Education will receive an update on the MISA project and a status update on the Environmental Evaluation at its August 25, 2011 meeting, 7:00 PM at the Town Hall Meeting Room.

* The next regularly scheduled GHS-MISA Building Committee meeting is September 6, 2011, 7:30 AM, Havemeyer Building.

* The District will host a Open House on September 7, 2011, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM at Greenwich High School in order to provide an opportunity for high school families, neighbors, and the broader community to receive an overview of the situation and to ask questions of the various departments and agencies involved.


In mid July 2011, during the course of the excavation work for the Greenwich High School Music Instructional Space and Auditorium (MISA) project, unexpected soil conditions were discovered in the West (or back) parking lot, adjacent to the fields, which prompted immediate environmental testing.

The site work in the west lot was stopped and the excavation area was contained. The initial tests indicated the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations above acceptable standards for residential and commercial use, as determined by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), in deep soil in the excavation.

A second round of samples was taken on July 20th and included soil and indoor and outdoor air testing. The results of the air quality tests indicate all selected factors were within acceptable levels. The results of the second round of soil samples confirmed the previous results, which showed concentrations of PCBs above the residential cleanup standard along with low levels of some metals.

On July 29, 2011 the results of a third set of shallow soil samples taken closer to fields 3 and 4, reflected PCBs levels that are above acceptable standards for residential or commercial use. These results prompted the closure of all fields as a precaution until a more comprehensive understanding of the extent of the issue could be determined.

The Greenwich Public Schools/Board of Education, the Town of Greenwich and the GHS MISA Building Committee are working in collaboration to address the environmental concerns of the fields at Greenwich High School.

Licensed Environmental Professionals have been contracted to plan for and conduct more comprehensive testing.

The Town, State Departments of Health and Environmental Protection, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have also been consulted

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:03 PM PDT
Governor Declares State Of Emergency For Hurricane

Gov. Malloy has declared a state of emergency for Connecticut because of Hurricane Irene. For the latest, go to courant.com.
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 11:21 AM PDT
Sound Beach Community Band Concert this coming Sunday, August 28 from 7 pm
to 8:30 pm because of the impending Hurricane.
Unfortunately, the Greenwich Recreation Department will not be able to have a makeup date for this concert.
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 10:00 AM PDT

08/25/11 Greenwich Police Department Has Made An Arrest In The Death Of Christopher Harris, Of Riverside, Who Died At The Age Of 18 On Jan. 8, 2011

William Nelson, 18 was arrested overdose death of Riverside teenager Christopher Harris, who was found unresponsive at his Florence Road home in January.

Greenwich police had an active arrest warrant for Mr. Nelson, who turned himself in.

The GDP charged him with possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and conspiracy to possess narcotics.

The police expect two more arrests in this case.

On January 8th, Christopher Harris was transported to Stamford Hospital after being found unresponsive around 9 a.m.

Christopher Harris Sr. and medics both attempted to revive Harris at the home.

He was pronounced dead at the hospital at 10:25 a.m.

The State Medical Examiner's office ruled in April that Christopher Harris' death was an accidental overdose by acute opiate intoxication.

Four friends, one of whom was Nelson, went to teenaged Harris' home to visit January 7th and during the night they all smoked marijuana.

Mr. Harris also consumed some Xanax that was provided by a third friend at the drug party.

Later in the evening Mr. Nelson drove to New Rochelle, N.Y., with one of the friends from the drug party to buy the painkiller Opana from a street dealer.

Later, Harris and a friend snorted the contents of one of the pills.

Mr. Nelson stated to police that he snorted half of his pill and threw the other half away because he didn't like it.

A third pill was unused.

Mr. Harris went upstairs to bed in his parents home, while the other friends slept off their intoxication in the basement.

Mr. Nelson posted bond and is due in court Aug. 31.

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to RiversideRoundup@gmail.com
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 09:34 AM PDT
Shopper on the Go, owned by Greenwich residents, takes events, shopping and community MOBILE.
Rhonda McDeigan-Eldridge
Shopper on the Go, owned by Greenwich residents, takes events, shopping and community MOBILE.

As Seen On .....
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:38 AM PDT
PHOTO: From left, Markus Schuh, Andrea Schmidt, Achim Heukemes and Greenwich Resident John Michelott


A Greenwich man who has told people that he was eager to give after the 9/11 terrorist attacks poured set up a charities to serve the victims, their families and their memories.

But a decade later, records show that this Greenwich charity has failed 9/11 victims and their families miserably.

The Flag of Honor Fund, a Greenwich charity, raised nearly $140,000 to promote a memorial flag honoring 9/11 victims. The flag, which contains the name of every person killed on Sept. 11, 2001, is on sale today at Wal-Mart and other retail stores.

But only a tiny fraction of the money from those sales goes to 9/11 charities, with most going to retail stores, the flag maker and a for-profit business — run by the Greenwich man who created the flag charity.

This Greenwich 9/11 charity fell short of it's promises and did more to help it's founder than those affected by the terrorist attacks.

At first glance, the Flag of Honor/Flag of Heroes Project looks like any other charity doing philanthropy in the name of 9/11. But people who have bought one of its flags might be surprised to learn that nearly all the proceeds have gone to the charity founder's for-profit flag company, not 9/11 victims.

IRS rules generally prohibit the resources of a nonprofit group from being used to promote a for-profit product.

John Michelotti of Greenwich, Conn., the charity's founder, has publicly said one of his goals was to give a framed copy of his flag, which bears the names of all the dead emblazoned on the Stars and Stripes to every family that lost someone in the attacks.

He also designed a "Flag of Heroes" with only the names of fallen firefighters and law enforcement personnel.

Documents filed with the state of Connecticut explain that part of the Greenwich fund's mission is to create "a national people's memorial" by urging corporations "to hang the Flag of Honor artwork prominently in all of their business locations."

In some IRS filings, the charity said its purpose was to sell the memorial flag.

The project's website lists 10 nonprofit groups as beneficiaries of the flag sales, including the Boy Scouts, a food bank in Oregon and a Manhattan church that narrowly escaped being destroyed in the attacks.

The truth is that Mr. Michelotti's for-profit business, BIE LLC, has donated no more than $15,000 to 9/11 charities.

Now Here Is How The Greedy 9/11 Scheme Worked.....

Most of the charities listed as beneficiaries were actually BIE customers that purchased flags to resell during their own fundraising efforts.

For example, Mr. Michelotti imported cheap flags from China. The Exchange Group chapter in Salem, Ore., bought about 4,000 flags from his for-profit company to use in a patriotic display for about $7 each, then sold them for $25. About $75,000 was raised for several causes, including the Oregon National Guard Emergency Relief Fund, but none of the money came out of Mr. Michelotti's cut.

Ka Ching !!!! Ka Ching !!! Ka Ching !!!!

Mr. Michelotti's charity collected $139,332 in donations and other revenue from 2003 to 2009, but it only gave away framed copies of the flag to the families of between 200 and 350 victims of the terror attacks. Framed copies Mr. Michelotti's charity basically bought from Mr. Michelotti's Business.

Tax returns filed by the group don't list any donations to 9/11 victims or the groups that serve them.


Today show host Hoda Kotb promoted the flag on national television in 2009, she described the project as "a contribution fund to help those that were affected."
Several 9/11 organizations have embraced his product.

The flag is sold at the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum, and online by Voices of Sept. 11, a leading victims' advocacy group.

Annin Flag Makers, the nation's largest and oldest flag company, also recently signed on to the project. The company said it shipped 170,000 of the flags this summer to stores nationwide, including Walmart.

Under Michelotti's deal with Annin, some money from flag sales will go to charities regularly for the first time — but it won't be much. Ten percent of the wholesale revenue will be split among the Wounded Warriors Project, the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum, Voices of 9/11 — and Michelotti's Flag of Honor charity, according to Annin's marketing material.

Mr.Michelotti and Annin declined to disclose how much of a licensing fee he will receive or how much retailers are paying for the flag.

But if it is close to the $7 wholesale price Michelotti charged previously, roughly 70 cents of a $20 retail purchase would go to charity.

The remaining profit would go to the flag maker, the retailer, and Michelotti's for-profit company.

The Flag of Honor Fund has shamelessly crossed the firewall between a charity and a for-profit company just to benefit one Greenwich resident.




  1. Greenwich man's 9/11 flags planned for park on 10th anniversary ...

    Jun 28, 2011 – From left, Markus Schuh, Andrea Schmidt, Achim Heukemes and John Michelotti hold a flag commemorating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks at the ...
  2. NY park to get 3000 flags for 9/11 anniversary - GreenwichTime

    Jun 28, 2011 – John Michelotti, a former engineer from Greenwich, Conn., came up with the idea. He says NYC Memorial Field will be open Sept. 8-12. ...
  3. Extreme runner's latest feat will honor 9-11 victims - GreenwichTime

    May 12, 2011 – From left, Markus Schuh, Andrea Schmidt, Achim Heukemes and John Michelotti hold a flag commemorating the Sept. 11 attacks at the upper ...
  4. Norma Bartol: Glenville Fire House celebrates ribbon cutting ...

    Jun 23, 2011 – ... with board members Jeanette Irwin, Ingrid McMenamin, Sean Murphy, Joan Caldwell, Karen Dixon, Richard Hogan and John Michelotti. ...
  5. greenwichtime.com : Extreme runner's latest feat will honor 9-11 ...

    May 12, 2011 – The flags are the creation of Greenwich resident John Michelotti, who has distributed more than 300000 of them over the past decade through ...
  6. Deer population still an issue in Greenwich despite slight ...

    Sep 26, 2009 – John Michelotti, a founder of the GSLA, said he felt his group's efforts to decrease the deer population had been effective. ...



Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:35 AM PDT

Get Hyper Local News For Your Greenwich Neighborhood

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:34 AM PDT
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Breaking News Alert
Hurricane Irene is moving north toward the U.S. East Coast. Forecasters say its projected path could bring the hurricane to the Northeast, including Connecticut, by this weekend. Officials are urging residents to prepare for strong winds and heavy rain which could cause flooding and power outages.

Keep checking The Post's Web site throughout the weekend for local updates. Tell your friends to sign up for breaking news alerts for up to the minute coverage of your town's news.

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:13 AM PDT
Topix Greenwich

Greenwich - News August 25, 2011

A 17-year-old Greenwich youth was arrested and charged with sixth degree larceny, third degree burglary and interfering with an officer on August 20, after he was caught allegedly stealing items from parked cars on Palmer Street.
Town Advising Residents to Prepare and Hunker Down For Irene (Patch)
Hurricane Irene at present appears to be barreling her way toward the Northeast and is predicted to bring high winds, heavy rain and surging tides to Connecticut starting late Sunday-early Monday....

... As is to be expected, coastal towns will be at the highest risk for storm damage - and that of course includes Greenwich. As such town officials are advising residents to prepare for the storm ahead of time (as opposed to waiting until the last ...
Is Your Greenwich Family Hurricane Ready? (The Daily Greenwich)
First an earthquake shook the ground in Greenwich, now a hurricane threatens to bring heavy rain, wind, coastal flooding and possible damages to the area by Sunday, according to the National Weather Service .
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
Send In Your Views of Greenwich (The Daily Greenwich)
Calling all photographers! The Daily Greenwich wants your photos of Greenwich to add to our section, "Views of Greenwich," which is located at the bottom of our homepage.
Out With the Dry Cleaners! King of Cashmere at 1225 Madison
Out With the Dry Cleaners! King of Cashmere at 1225 Madison (The New York Observer)
"We're redoing the whole block," the boisterous broker told The Observer , referring to the Consolo & Aquino assignment at 1225 Madison Avenue ....

....... be Christopher Fisher , the so-called king of Cashmere. The Scotsman already has stores in Soho, the Hamptons and Greenwich, Conn. As has become a retail leasing trend in these tough times, Ms. Consolo set Mr. Fisher up in a pop-up shop in his ...
Two Arrested For Assault Outside South Norwalk Bar [Update] (Patch)
Police witnessed a person being punched in the head Wednesday morning outside a South Norwalk bar, resulting in two men being charged with assault....

...missing. Officers found pry marks on the front door and detectives came to the scene. Norwalk man arrested in Greenwich on DWI charge Jaime Rolando Deleg, 25, of Norwalk was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol on August ...
Greenwich, Conn., officials ask ABC show to leave (Washington Times)
Greenwich officials tell the Greenwich Time that the filming of the show "What Would You Do?" is disruptive.
Greenwich tells "What Would You Do?" to get out of town and don't come back (theoriginalgreenwichdiva)
Two different shows are being filmed in Greenwich this week, but local politicians asked one to leave. After disrupting traffic on Greenwich Ave. on Tuesday, town Selectman Peter Tesei asked ABC's "What Would You Do?" to leave and find a different place to finish shooting.
Arguments Lead to Assaults and Arrests (Patch)
A Cos Cob man was arrested on charges he argued with his girlfriend whose screams for help were heard by a nearby Greenwich patrolman who ended up being assaulted by the suspect.
Austin to replace Ausfeld at Townsquare Media (Business Journal)
Austin, who left the market in May 2008, succeeds Robert Ausfeld , who announced on Tuesday his retirement effective Aug.
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 04:56 AM PDT
News Reports About Greenwich First Selectman Peter Tesei

Enough: Greenwich Police Commissioner Peter Tesei Asks "Disruptive" TV Show To Leave Town

"We told them, `You can't film here,'" Dustin Anderson, the executive assistant to First Selectman Peter Tesei, told the Greenwich Time

ABC Show Asked to Leave Connecticut Town Due to Disruptions
Hollywood Reporter
"We told them, 'You can't film here,' " Dustin Anderson, the executive assistant to First Selectman Peter Tesei, said. Tesei said the show's crew was allowed to complete Tuesday's shoot but was asked to move elsewhere Wednesday. ...

Hollywood Reporter
New Greenwich Chamber exec vows to boost membership
Greenwich Time
A receiving line of chamber members greeted O'Kane after the announcement, as well as First Selectman Peter Tesei and state Reps. Livvy Floren, R-149th District, and Alfred Camillo, R-151st District. "I wish her well, and I'm glad she's a resident of ...
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 04:53 AM PDT
A Blog Post About Greenwich, CT

Fancy Nancy Shoppers On Greenwich Avenue Must Never Ever Be Disturbed

America laughs as Greenwich tells "What Would You Do?" to get out of town and don't let the door hit you on the way out

Greenwich, Conn., officials ask ABC show to leave - KansasCity.com
Officials in one well-to-do Connecticut town are asking an ABC hidden-camera show to hit the road.
Kansas City Star: Entertainment
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 04:53 AM PDT
News Reports About Greenwich, CT

Forget About Freedom Of Speech And Freedom Of The Press:

We Will Have None Of That Tom Foolery On Greenwich Avenue .....

Greenwich, Conn., officials ask ABC show to leave
The Associated Press
GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) — Officials in one well-to-do Connecticut town are asking an ABC hidden-camera show to hit the road. Greenwich officials tell the Greenwich Time (http://bit.ly/qUQu3J ) that the filming of the show "What Would You Do? ...
Greenwich Says Cut To Reality Television Show
CBS New York
GREENWICH, CT (WCBS 880) - The television show "What Would You Do?" is a bit like "Candid Camera," but with a morality twist, and it isn't welcome on one street in Greenwich. Cast members approach an unsuspecting citizen on the street asking for help ...
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:29 AM PDT
What's Up in The Daily Greenwich
The Daily Greenwich
News Sports Schools Neighbors
Is Your Greenwich Family Hurricane Ready?
by Anna Helhoski | 08/25/11
GREENWICH, Conn. — First an earthquake shook the ground in Greenwich, now a hurricane threatens to bring heavy rain, wind, coastal ...
Greenwich Woman 3rd in Age Group Triathlon
by Tom Renner | 08/25/11
GREENWICH, Conn. – Karen Newman of Old Greenwich finished third in her age group Saturday at the USA Triathlon Age Group ...
Send In Your Views of Greenwich!
by Anna Helhoski | 08/25/11
GREENWICH, Conn. — Calling all photographers! The Daily Greenwich wants your photos of Greenwich to add to our section, "Views of ...
Reader Sounds Off on Site of Sept. 11 Memorial
by Anna Helhoski | 08/24/11
GREENWICH, Conn. — Here is a reader response to the article, "Greenwich Debates Location for 2nd 9/11 Memorial:"
"It should ...
It's Time Register for Tour de Greenwich
by Tom Renner | 08/24/11
GREENWICH – The Volvo of Stamford Tour de Greenwich XXVII, a 20-mile bicycle race, will take place at 7:30 a.m. Sept. 18 starting at ...
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:27 AM PDT
Hurricane Irene barrels Toward US As Caribbean Islands Take Stock Of Damage

Greenwich Gets Ready To Batten Down The Hatches: Hurricane Irene is now headed for North Carolina after pummeling Caribbean island nations from the Bahamas to the Dominican Republic, causing some $3.1 billion in damage

Irene more likely to hit Conn.

Chances the state gets hit with its first hurricane in 26 years are increasing.
  • Photos: Hurricane Irene

  • Video: Incredible NASA images

  • Twitter: Irene updates



    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    08/23/11 The Greenwich Red Cross Is Taken Over And Will Now Be Known As The American Red Cross Metro New York North Chapter

    The Westchester County and Greenwich, Conn., chapters of the American Red Cross are to be combined under a consolidation that officials say will strengthen the organization's emergency response capabilities and make it more efficient.

    The merger, announced today, also includes Lower Hudson Valley chapter operations in Rockland, Putnam, Orange and Sullivan counties, which until now had operated as part of the New York City-based Greater New York chapter. The new chapter will be known as the American Red Cross Metro New York North chapter.

    The Red Cross say the new structure allows them to better realize efficiencies, particularly in times of disasters, and will further improve their ability to provide help to those in times of need

    The Greenwich Red Cross CEO is out and Mary Young has been tapped to lead the newly combined chapter.

    The merger includes a 10 percent reduction of paid Red Cross staffers, who were informed earlier in the summer that they would be laid off by Sept. 1........

    Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
    Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:22 AM PDT

    Today s 82° 68° Tomorrow s 84° 67°

    August 25, 2011

    Your News

    Greenwich Youth Arrested for Stealing Items from Parked Cars

    Patrick Barnard | Aug 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

    imageYouthful offender reportedly stole numerous items from vehicles parked on Palmer Street.

    Doctor: How Kids Can Avoid Injuries from Wearing Backpacks

    | Aug 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

    imageA primer on using backpacks.

    Town Advising Residents to Prepare and Hunker Down For Irene

    Patrick Barnard | Aug 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

    imageHurricane predicted to lash Connecticut coast on Sunday-Monday.

    Awaiting a Hurricane, Man With Dementia Points Shotgun at Wife, No Parking Without Shopping

    Justin Reynolds | Aug 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

    imageA roundup of the major headlines around the area for Wednesday, Aug. 24.

    Greenwich Man Charged with Disorderly Conduct Following Domestic Dispute

    Patrick Barnard | Aug 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

    imageMan cut his stomach with kitchen knife in possible suicide attempt, police said.

    Things to Do


    New Canaan Restaurant Week Kickoff Event

    imageDuring the New Canaan Reataurant Week kickoff stroll titled "Taste of the Town" participants will donate an item to the New Canaan …


    Dog Days of Summer

    imageWOO-HOOOOOO! It's finally here! It's one of our FAVORITE seasons - The Dog Days of Summer! During the months of July & August, we …


    Alcoholics Anonymous

    AA meetings bring together men and women who share their experience, strength and hope to solve their common problem and to help …


    LifeRing: Recovery Group

    LifeRing Secular Recovery is a support group for those who are looking for freedom from addicition to alcohol and drugs. Meeting…
    Posted: 24 Aug 2011 11:07 PM PDT

    Win an iPad2 at the Time Warner Cable Hotspot Lounge
    September 25th, 2011 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center. With diverse health and fitness classes, demonstrations, speakers, and seminars from experts, the Expo will be a day of information and entertainment for the whole family. Buy your tickets in advance.


    Featured classes include Zumba, Tae Bo with Bill Blanks, Kettlebells and Kickboxing, Yoga and more...

    Featured seminars from Men's Fitness Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, Shape Magazine and more...

    Click Here for class and speaker schedule
    Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
    Posted: 24 Aug 2011 10:25 PM PDT

    Greenwich CT.com

    In under a year, we hit 250,000 page views. Thank you for visiting!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:15 AM PDT
    Main Street Connect
    Your Home Town Online
    Breaking News
    Commuters Slam Proposed Fare Hikes in Greenwich
    GREENWICH, Conn. — Fairfield County residents protested proposed New Haven Line ...
    Read More

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    Useful criticism, helpful links and corrections and general comments are always welcome at Greenwich Roundup. Generally only spam ads and posts with very foul language get censored.

    Contact me directly at GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com if you have a suggestion or comment you don't want publicized (but tell me so in your email).

    I look forward to publishing your opinions.

    COMMENTING RULES: We encourage an open exchange of ideas in the Greenwich community, but we ask you to follow our guidelines. Basically, be civil, smart, on-topic and free from profanity. Don't say anything you wouldn't want your mother to read!