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Monday, August 23, 2010

08/23/10 How News Gets Reported In The Fourth Congressional District Of Fairfield County Connecticut

On The Night Of The Democratic Primary Greenwich Roundup Received An Email From Congressman Jim Himes' Campaign Manager Mark Henson That Had The Subject Line Meet Dan Debicella

Greenwich Roundup Took The Middle Of The Road Position And Posted The Campaign Email Raw Word For Word Including Mark Henson's Signature Line.

Greenwich Roundup Let Their Readers See What Was Out There And Left It Up To Those Readers To Decide How To Independently Process What To Think About The Latest Propaganda From Jim Himes' Congressional Campaign.

The Fairfield Minuteman Took What Some Might Call The High Road And Denounced Mud Slinging And Promised To Protect You The Reader From Getting Splattered.....

Stop slinging the mud

Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Last week’s primaries for various state and federal offices served the desirable purposes of focusing our attention on the narrowed-down group of candidates who will now vie for our support in the Nov. 2 general election, and eliminating from contention a good number of the mud-slingers who ended up losing.

Unfortunately, some of the mud-slingers ended up winning last week......

....Then there was the “Meet Dan Debicella” email we received last Tuesday night, even before the final votes were counted, from Congressman Jim Himes’ campaign manager. The email called Debicella, who won the GOP nomination for the Fourth District congressional seat, “radical,” “reckless” and “wrong” on the issues, and talked about a “troubling history” stretching back to his college years. No specifics given. Oh, and by the way, send money, “as much as you can afford,” so Himes can defeat this upstart State Senator. On-line donations welcomed.

We weren’t born yesterday (far from it). We know what political argument is, and we know that politicians are prone to exaggeration, especially in a tight campaign. We also know what running scared looks like. And to bring up a candidate’s record in the student assembly in college strikes us as jumping the shark.

Is this the way it’s going to be, boys and girls? Let’s hope not.......

....We won’t use letters that appear to be sent from campaign headquarters — a bunch of supporters gathering in the evening to write letters, saying virtually the same thing, with the only real difference being the name at the end.

.....And we also won’t publish letters whose only purpose is to direct personal attacks on candidates. Letters like these don’t accomplish anything beyond cheapening public discourse.

We welcome letters on the issues, and we look forward to promoting rational debate as the election nears. We hope the candidates do the same.

Hearst Newspaper's Connecticut Post Took The Lowest Of Low Roads By Violating The Journalistic Code Of Ethics And Standards ....

First Connecticut Post Political Writer Jonathan Kantrowitz, Who Is The Very Close Personal Friend Of Lincoln Millstien, Hearst Newspaper's Corporate Executive Of Digital Media, Plagiarized The Jim Himes Entire Fundraising Email Word For Word And Placed His Byline On The Article.

Jonathan Kantrowitz Was So Uncreative, He Even Used The "Meet Dan Debicella" Headline That Jim Himes' Campaign Manager Mark Henson Used.


Hearst Newspaper's Newspaper's Connecticut Media group Has Suffered From Repeated Job Cuts And Now Heavily Relies On Unpaid And Untrained Journalists And Political Writers Like Jonathan Kantrowitz

08/19/10 Fourth District Congressman Jim Himes And The CT Post Editor Tom Baden Severely Harmed By The Himes / Hearst Newspaper Plagiarism Scandal

Due To Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz's Cookie Cutter Method Of Local Journalism Jonathan's Kantrowitz's Plagiarism Has Spread Like A Virus Throughout Hearst Newspaper Websites.

Jonathan Kantrowitz's Plagiarism Also Appears On Danbury News-Times, The Greenwich Time, The Stamford Advocate And Other Hearst News Paper Websites.


Due To The Massive Job Cuts At Hearst Newspapers There Just May Be A Corporate Wide Problem With Plagiarism As Journalistic Standards Are Lowered.

Unfortunately, Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz Doesn't Have The Journalistic Balls To Insist And Enforce A Strong Code Of Ethics On His Media Properties


This Is Where Over 40% Of The Connecticut Post's Political Writers
Meet, Get Their Democratic Talking Points And Often Re-Post Their Devious Hearst Newspaper Articles.....

08/21/10 A Blog Where Bloggers Are Wined Dined And Pocket Lined By Ned Lamont Bitches About Greenwich Time Writer Niel Vigdor's Coverage Of Ned Lamot

Update #2:

Greenwich Roundup Asked Hearst Newspaper Executives (Steven Swartz, Lincoln Millstien And Others), Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden And Hearst Newspaper Employees At The Danbury News Times, Greenwich Time And The Stamford Advocate For A Comment, But These So-Called Journalists Are Hiding Under Their Desks Hoping The Jim Himes / Hearst Newspaper Scandal Will Just Go Away.

It Also Appears That Jim Himes Campaign Manager Mark Hansen Is Also Gone Into Hiding, Because He Has Repeated Refused To Comment On If He Gave CT Post political Writer Jonathan Kantrowitz Permission To Cut And Paste From Jim Himes' Fundraising Email.

However, Dan Debicella's Campaign Manager Jason Perrillo Has Not Been Afraid To Respond To Any Media And Press Inquiries And Has Responded With Greenwich Roundup's Request For A Comment With The Following.....

We plan to stick to the issues without slant and without spin. Jim Himes’ voting record doesn’t require that we skirt the truth to make a point. His record on the economy and spending is poor and it speaks for itself.

Jason Perillo

Campaign Manager | Debicella For Congress

Email: Jason.Perillo@debicella.com

P.O. Box 189

Shelton, CT 06484

Practical solutions. Common sense.

Putting Fairfield County First.



1 comment:

  1. Building a new majority in the House of Representatives is the most direct route to bringing balance to a government that is spinning out of control on spending, taxes, and regulation. Jim Himes is part of the problem who consistently votes with Nancy Pelosi whenever she needs him. Dan Debicella is part of the solution because he is challenging a vulnerable freshman in a pivotal district in one of the most competitive election battles in the country. Whether or not you live and vote in Fairfield County, the vote in this district could have a big impact upon your family and your country.

    Dan has a different set of values – in his own words, he is running for Congress "to restore the values of free enterprise and individual liberty to Washington. Fairfield County families want practical solutions on the economy, healthcare, and transportation. I will use my background as a businessman and a State Senator to implement new ideas togged our economy growing again and create jobs for our families".

    Over vocal opposition from voters, the current Congress has pushed measures that are making our country poorer, more vulnerable, and less free. It is time to push back. If you are interested in learning more about Dan, check out his website (http://www.debicella.com). If you would like to help contribute to Dan's general election campaign, please do so here: https://debicella.blue-swarm.com/donate.


Useful criticism, helpful links and corrections and general comments are always welcome at Greenwich Roundup. Generally only spam ads and posts with very foul language get censored.

Contact me directly at GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com if you have a suggestion or comment you don't want publicized (but tell me so in your email).

I look forward to publishing your opinions.

COMMENTING RULES: We encourage an open exchange of ideas in the Greenwich community, but we ask you to follow our guidelines. Basically, be civil, smart, on-topic and free from profanity. Don't say anything you wouldn't want your mother to read!