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Thursday, June 10, 2010

06/10/10 Tom Foley Says Stop The Frivolous Waste of Your Tax Dollars

Tom was honored recently to receive the endorsement of the Republican Party at the GOP state convention on May 22.

We need to keep the Governor's office in Republican hands and he needs your help with two things.

First, this is going to be an expensive race and Tom needs all of the financial support he can get. I hope you will consider making a contribution to his campaign.

Second, Lieutenant Governor Mike Fedele has put his name on the ballot to force a primary despite a 20-point loss at the Republican Convention. As a Republican I don't mind a primary, but I do mind that the Lieutenant Governor is trying to use taxpayers' dollars to finance his campaign.

He is asking people for contributions so he can qualify to use taxpayers' money for advertising, balloons, bumper stickers and high priced consultants against a fellow Republican.

Most Republicans don't understand how a candidate for Governor whose most important leadership challenge will be reducing government spending can start off by asking taxpayers to pay up to $2.5 million for his primary campaign.

Instead, he should be asking to have the "Citizens Election Program" repealed. The program is referred to mockingly as the incumbents' full-employment program and it could cost the state over tens of millions of dollars this election cycle.

Tom has rejected the use of taxpayers' money for his campaign. Please help get the message through to Mike Fedele that he shouldn't be seeking to qualify to use taxpayers' money for his campaign. We have a perfectly good and clean system for fundraising in this state without relying on tax dollars. Tom is using that system and Mike Fedele should too.

Let's rally together to keep the Connecticut Governor's office in Republican hands and stop the use of taxpayers' money for funding gubernatorial campaigns.


Justin R. Clark
Campaign Manager

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases toGreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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