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Friday, April 23, 2010

04/23/10 Emily Sussman Who Goes To Harvest Time Church In Greenwich Wants To Know If You Can Help Broken And Fragile Children Who Have Lost Hope

My name is Emily Sussman, and I am a teacher as well as a parent at Crossroads School in Brewster, New York. I wish I were more eloquent. I wish that I could place the right phrase at the right time so people would stand up and take notice, but I am not.

I am a simple person with a lot of passion. Crossroads is a small private school that is danger of closing its doors forever. It is a place where your child can learn and grow to be their very best. Oh, I am sure you have all heard this before from many schools, but the fact of the matter is that it doesn't always happen.

Yet I see it here at Crossroads. I have seen children who are broken and fragile and have lost hopes due to the treatment of their peers and the school system. I have seen kids who are paralyzed with anxiety who can not leave their homes because they fear the bullying of other students, even teachers and the system in general. I have seen them all.

I have also seen them walk through the doors at Crossroads School here in Brewster and within one month you can see the light of their smiles again. You can see a ray of hope in them. Give them six months, and I can see their grades going up because they WANT to learn! They need to LEARN.

I have seen so much good running in and out these doors --- and they are going to close.

Crossroads School will be having a fundraiser/information day/family fun day on Saturday, May 15th. All of the children are involved in one way or another to help raise funds. Some of our high school students are amazing artists. They are going to be selling limited edition prints of their work and the proceeds’ will go to the school.

We need your support. Please contact us at 845-278-2774 or visit us on the web at crossroadsschool.net for more information about the school.

Emily Sussman and the entire Crossroads School Family

Crossroads School

2443 U.S. 6
Brewster, NY 10509-2528


Dear Emily,

Greenwich Roundup Was Born A Jew And He Was Taught That Jewish Law Mandates That A Parent And Society Owes A Child An Full And Proper Education.

Greenwich Roundup Was Also Taught That Jewish Laws State That A Parent - And If A Parent Cannot, Then Society Is Obligated To Provide For Every Child's Education.

Therefore, Greenwich Roundup Will Send A Check To Help You Help These Children Have Suffered So Much.

Now Don't Get Too Excited, because It Won't Be A Big Check, But It Will Be A Bit More Than Greenwich Roundup Can Afford At This Time.

This Is Because, After Greenwich Roundup Converted To Christianity At Harvest Time Church On King Street In Greenwich - He Has Further Learned That Much Is Expected From Even From Believers Of Modest Means.

Greenwich Roundup Has Also Learned That Much More Is Expected Of Those To Much Has Been Given.

Jesus Christ Could Not Have Said It Any Clearer....

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

The Sad Fact Is That ....

It Is Always The Children Who Suffer First In An Economic Down Turn

What's Wrong With This Picture:

Wall Street Bankers Take Home Multi-Million Bonuses - Schools Are Being Closed Down

One Famous Quote I Have Always Remembered Is From Pearl S. Buck

"If our American way of life fails the child, it fails us all."

Others Have Spoken Of Our Need To Put The Needs
Of Children First And Foremost

Ann Landers:
In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.

Garrison Keillor:
Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.

Walt Disney:
Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.

Perhaps Jesus Christ Said It Best:

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Matthew 25:40 (King James Bible)

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Greenwish Round up. I can not begin to thank you! You have given hope to our children! Bless you..

    Emily Sussman
    and The Crossroads Family


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Contact me directly at GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com if you have a suggestion or comment you don't want publicized (but tell me so in your email).

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