Hyper Local News Pages

Friday, April 23, 2010

04/23/10 Greenwich Police Department And Board Of Education Lies Exposed:There Are No Gang Members Or Drug Dealers At Greenwich High School

Greetings From Beautiful And Exotic Jackson Heights

Two 17-year-old teens from Jackson Heights in Queens, N.Y., were arrested and charged Tuesday with first-degree criminal trespass after police found them on Greenwich High School grounds after they were warned to leave. The teens do not attend the high school, police said.

Now Here Is The Punch Line....

One of the out of town teens was found to be in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. He was charged with possession of marijuana within 1,500 of a school and possession of drug paraphernalia within 1,500 of a school.

Of Course They Will Show Up For Court....

Both out of town teens were released on small bonds


Too Bad These Out Of Town Drug Dealers Did Not Come Up To Greenwich High School And Throw Water Balloons.

Then A Pack Of Police Officers Would Have Thrown Them To The Ground And Tassered Them Three Times With 50,000 volts; Before Arresting Them And Giving Them A $50,000 Bail Bond.



Eric Maldonado, 20, of 438 West St., Port Chester., N.Y., was arrested and charged Tuesday with possession of cannabis under four ounces, possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell and possession of drug paraphernalia.



Adriana Zarta, 19, of 22 Cognewaugh Road, was arrested and charged Tuesday with possession of cannabis under four ounces.

She was released on a promise to appear



It Is Just Too Darn Easy For Kids To Get Drugs In Greenwich

Christiana Los, 23, of 478 Harrison Ave., Harrison, N.Y., was arrested and charged Tuesday with possession of cannabis and possession of drug paraphernalia.

She was released on a promise to appear.


Greenwich Residents Are Talking About This
Greenwich Roundup Article At Facebook

Facebook Comments:
Alec Pajor
Alec Pajor
Greenwich deals drugs
Sandy Werthmann
Sandy Werthmann
Greenwich is not unique here. Sadly, there are drug dealers just about everywhere.
Andy Rocco Melillo
Andy Rocco Melillo
Sandy wrote well by stating, there are drug dealers just about everywhere, not just in Greenwich. Greenwich Roundup has called this an epidemic, but is it really? There are worrisome levels of young adults and teenagers getting their hands on and abusing drugs, however is it at the level to call it an epidemic? If it is, then I think further action should be implemented in the town so this travesty can be stopped.

The problem is not that it is darn easy for Greenwich kids to get ahold of drugs, the problem is that it is so darn easy period. This must be reversed and the town needs to come together and think of real solutions for the community but also the community's health.

Also if the town provides no other alternatives then kids must make choices. In Greenwich there are restaurants, bars, cinemas, and shops, however most of these eat away at our pocket books and can become repetative after a deal of time. Why has the Greenwich community not come together and figured out potential plans and ideas to bolster youth activity and participation throughout the town? It does not have to be a give and take situation. By increasing activities and new business to Greenwich that appease the youth, then the economic activity will increase with it and only benefit more the sorrounding community and standard of living for all.

I think its time we stop pointing to problems or possible epidemics and take needed action so that our social and community values are maintained and passed down justfully to each successive generation. Greenwich is an amazing dynamic town with a rich history, and we should be doing more to contribute to that great continual lineage of events

Dale Ford
Dale Ford
The problem is we tend to see "drug dealers" as the old image of some drug lords in major cities dealing millions of $$. The reality is that there is big drug business in our high school and middle schools. There are KIDS who make a living out of it. We are foolish to believe it doesn't happen in lower Ffld County because it does.
Andy Rocco Melillo
Andy Rocco Melillo
I agree. We are foolish to believe it does not happen, but we must ask ourselves, why are kids resorting to these choices? After all we learn from not just our parents, family and friends, but our entire environment. What is shaping kids behavior to make these choices? What can be transformed and manipulated so that this phenomenon decreases?

There needs to be something that allows kids to be motivated again. To keep them moving, to get them off their backs and put some sense of morale and character in them. The Youth have so much to offer this great community and therefore should not be wasted by having them choose to sell drugs and sleep in until 3 PM (extremely general examples). It is time to revitalize our communities values and most importantly, our actions because of those strong valued convinctions we all hold dearly.

Greenwich Roundup
Greenwich Roundup
Dear Sandy And Andy,

Sandy and Andy are 100% right the teen drug problem is not isolated to Greenwich.

Andy is hitting the nail right on the head when he says...

"This must be reversed and the town needs to come together and think of real solutions for the community but also the community's health."

Andy also goes right to the heart of the problem when he writes ....

"Why has the Greenwich community not come together and figured out potential plans and ideas to bolster youth activity and participation throughout the town?"

Andy is very solution oriented and is thinking outside of the box.

However, Greenwich Roundup thinks the situation is getting out of hand.

Greenwich Roundup considers it an epidemic.

Look at teen drug arrests from three and five years ago.

Just this year the Greenwich Police Department had to deploy drug sniffing dogs in order to combat the gang members who deal drugs.

You don't need K-9 officers deployed at Greenwich High School unless there is an epidemic.

Greenwich Police Commissioner Peter Tesei and Police Chief David Ridberg should admit that there is a problem and start holding community meetings so that town residents like Andy can put some new effective and creative ideas on the table.

Dale Ford
Dale Ford
Again I emphasize that it is not just the gang members selling. Kids that cannot/will not get jobs are realizing that this is ticket. A lot of them are selling right fom their parents medicine cabinets. These sales provide them with quick easy cash. I know good kids from good homes wth involved parents selling/"dealing". Some of the kids actually selling aren't even using - just making a buck. It's all about $$ to get the next expensive phone, kicks, ride, computer etc. It really is easy money from an endless supply of clients. I see kids day after day actually ask for help in trying to stop their drug use. Biggest obstacle? - having to give up all their current friends... and let's not do all the beating up on the kids. A lot of them are trying to escape the very dysfunctional family lives they are leading.

Greenwich Roundup
Greenwich Roundup
Dear Dale,

Amen Brother.

This is why Greenwich Police Commissioner Peter Tesei and Police Chief David Ridberg need to start holding community meetings about the teen drug problem in Greenwich.

Obviously their efforts are ineffective.

However, if Mr. Tesei would reach out to persons like Andy in yourself, they would get new and fresh ideas that would make a difference

Dale Ford
Dale Ford
Thanks (from a sister!) I see this day to day as I work in a high School so it isn't just my opinions. I listen to them and hear how & why they rationalize what they do....

Greenwich Roundup
Greenwich Roundup
Dear Dale,

Amen Sister.

Town residents are going to start saying that Greenwich Roundup must be on drugs, because he called such a beautiful lady "brother".


Lynn Lavalette Joins The
Conversation At Facebook

Lynn Lavalette
Lynn Lavalette
Drugs don't belong in any school. Period. Let the idiots get their drugs of choice elsewhere. If just ONE kid is saved, it's worth it, isn't it?

This sorely reminds me of the time in the mid 90's when the GPD got the first state-issued search permit to bring drug sniffing dogs to a public school. The whole well-planned operation was cancelled after the GPD found out that the headmistress warned the kids about it the day before over the P.A.

Just who told her to do this?

Think combo of herself, Bd of Ed & PTA. I butted heads with all of them over safety/security/drugs in the late 90's-2001. Greenwich is a sick place where parents & those "in charge" care more about the status of the schools rather than the health/safety of the kids. And the kids know it.

I truly believe that Greenwich parents think it's "safer" for their kids to get their drugs in the student center, rather than NYC or Bridgeport etc, where they could come to harm!


And I don't need to hear how this is everywhere. That's such a cop out.

Greenwich can & should be unique & take the high road here (no pun intended) & wipe the drugs out. And btw - it's much more serious than anyone can imagine

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com


  1. There has always been a problem in Greenwich with drugs, and I am not surprised at this at all. The GPD police chief and first selectman Peter Tesei are trying to make Greenwich to this day a "fairytale world". Let me remind everyone that a house on the corner of hillside ave and east putnam which is withing 100 ft of the high school was raided for drugs and cocaine was found. Or the other person that was arrested awhile ago who shall remain nameless. This person had 28 grams of cocaine on him. So I highly encourage anyone who has this problem as well say something to the GPD.

  2. Legalize marijuana you dumbies and maybe we can take this state out of debt you dead beats. Drugs are bad so is alcohol and that kills, dumbies!!!!


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Contact me directly at GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com if you have a suggestion or comment you don't want publicized (but tell me so in your email).

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