Hyper Local News Pages

Sunday, March 21, 2010

03/21/10 Hearst Newspaper Vice President Lincoln Millstein Has Blood On His Hands

Shame, Shame, Shame On Lincoln Millstein

Hearst Newspaper Vice President Lincoln Millstein, asked Greenwich Time investigative reporter Teri Buhl, "What did you do to Gasparino? After Charlie Gasparino called Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz.

Millstien warned Buhl not to write negative reports about Gasparino before she was fired and her blog archive was taken down from the Greenwich Time website.

It is clear that the secretive Hearst corporation is afraid of Charlie Gasparino.

Right now brave young men and women, who have sworn to defend the constitution, are shedding their blood in two overseas wars, while cowards like Lincoln Millstein and Charlie Gasparino say forget about freedom of the press.

It is disgusting that Lincoln Millstien doesn't have the journalist balls to put Teri Buhl's blog archive back up.

Lincoln Millstien looks like the village idiot of Greenwich Connecticut as he pulls down whole sections of his website, because he is afraid of one asshole.

Everyone is laughing at the paper tiger known as Lincoln Millstien who is kowtowing to a dirt bag like Charlie Gasparino.

Lincoln Millstein has lost what little creditability he had in Greenwich as the local rags readers give the Hearst Vice President two thumbs down.
Lincoln Millstein has given the Hearst Corporation another black eye.
It’s well known that Charlie Gasparino likes getting into mini-feuds with reporters who write about him, it just a shame that Lincoln Millstein was too stupid to know what was really going on.
Greenwich is a global business center and the Hearst corporation had one hard nosed reporter willing to write critically about its funds, brokers and businesses, the cowardly Licoln Millstien screwed everything up.

Nothing Has Changed At The Greenwich Time

Decades Of Media Compliant Operations In Greenwich

Everyone remembers how former Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani commissioned an investigative report on who killed Martha Moxley and then refused to publish it for ten years, because members of the powerful Kennedy clan threatened the local rag.

That's why local blogger Bill Clark calls so-called news paper the "Yellowich Time"

Personally, I like to call it the Green Kitty Litter Liner.



CNBC's Charlie Gasparino Drops F-Bomb - charlie gasparino - Gawker

That's what Charlie Gasparino, CNBC's loudmouthed on-air commentator did. ...

Shame, Shame, Shame On Charlie Gasparino

If He Can't Take The Heat He Should Get Out Of The Kitchen

YouTube - Strange Charlie Gasparino

CNBC's Dylan Ratigan and Charlie Gasparino have a bizarre exchange on Closing ...

Charlie Gasparino is known for being combative on-air, was reported in the Washington Post as saying that "[his] job was to rip the lungs out of the competition for Fox Business Network."

A Financial Times profile of Gasparino illustrates his combativeness, describing him as a "pugnacious pundit", citing as examples Gasparino's frequent run-is with colleagues, including then-fellow CNBC reporter Dennis Kneale and cycling star Lance Armstrong.

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