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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

08/12/08 Another Incomplete Story By Greenwich Time Crime Reporter Martin Cassidy

Just Put Me Out Of My Misery

This Bad And Incomplete Reporting
Is Killing Me!!!!

Pool prez says not guilty in drowning death

By Martin Cassidy

Greenwich Time Crime Writer

Article Launched: 08/12/2008 04:17:49 PM

Shoreline Pools President David Lionetti, 53, pled not guilty Tuesday to one count of second-degree manslaughter in the death of 6-year-old Greenwich resident David Archer Cohn.

The boy drowned last summer when he became caught in the drain of his family's backyard pool, which Shoreline had installed the pool two years earlier.

Prosecutors have alleged that Lionetti knowingly flouted a state law requiring a specialized device in the pool to reduce the risk of entrapment.

The case has been continued to Oct. 15 in Stamford Superior Court.

"We don't expect anything in the case to happen for a while," said Richard Meehan, Lionetti's attorney.

Please Read The Incomplete Greenwich Time Story


The Average Blog post is longer than this story!!!!

I can't believe that this is the entire story!!!!

No Photos, No Background, No Depth.

This is the worse job of crime and court reporting that I ever saw.


08/03/08 Feds: Greenwich public pools will be required to be equiped with one of the three approved drain covers or entrapment prevention sytems

07/29/08 Town of Greenwich's building department Is Going To Cost Taxpayers Millions

0728/08 Shoreline Pools President Is In Court Today. Will The Greenwich Building Inspector Be Called As A Witness Or A Conspirator?

07/25/08 Attorney General Sends Message To Greenwich Building Inspectors Cursory Inspections Won't Cut It Anymore

07/24/08 Should Town Building Department Employees Be Charged With Manslaughter In The Death Of 6 Year Old Zachary Archer Cohn?

07/23/08 Insiders Say Lionetti Got Email Alerts About New Laws Covering Safety Systems Required For New Pool Construction

07/21/08 David Lionetti's arrest came three days after a fire destroyed the company's Warehouse

Please See How Incomplete Martin Cassidy's "Dinner Time Bandit" Story Was Earlier Today:

08/12/08 The states attorney contends that Alan Golder still has the agility of a cat, the cunning of a spy and the eye of a jeweler

Please Also See How A Greenwich Resident Sent An Email To A California Newspaper, Because The Greenwich Time's So-Called News Web Site Is Not Covering The Local Angle Of The "Fake Rockefeller" Case:

08/12/08 READER FORWARDED EMAIL ABOUT THE ROCKEFELLER CASE: Which minister's son, what church? FW: Episcopal Church In Greenwich?

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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