Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, May 15, 2008

05/15/08 - Greenwich Roundup Has Set Another Record - Greenwich Newspapers Had Better Stop Taking Their Readers For Granted.

Greenwich Roundup takes nothing for granted, especially our website visitors right to know what is really going on in Greenwich.

Greenwich readers appreciate that we bring you ALL of the blog and news links about Greenwich to them each and every day.

Greenwich readers recognize that we are marrying leading technology with old fashioned human insight - our and theirs.

Our Website visitors let us come into their lives not visa-versa.

For example, look at these individual web stats from April 14 to May 14...

Network Location: paul curtis

154 Visits

00:04:01 Avg. Time on Site

1.49 Pages/Visit

Yes it's, the Paul Curtis Server spent about ten and a half hours at Greenwich Roundup during the last month !!!!!

122 times the Paul Curtis Server came to us via Google the other 22 times was via a direct link.

The Paul Curtis Server user has used Firefox on all 154 visits this month and the also uses the macintosh operating system.

The Paul Curtis Server is using an up to date version of flash and has java support.

The Paul Curtis Server connects to use via cable.

Maybe we should ask Paul Curtis, production coordinator for Greenwich Cable TV if we could just put a news ticker at the bottom of Channel 79 screen.

Influential RTM member Paul Curtis recently coordinated with the First Selectman's office, the Town's IT Department and RTM moderator Thomas Byrne, Board of Education member Toni Tripodi and principal Dr. James Bulger at CMS to bring the RTM Meetings to the internet.

However, some in the community have complained about getting public access to the Greenwich Public Cable Channels.

Please see:

05/05/08 - More censorship In Greenwich - Reader Submitted Comments: “... a dissenting voice to shut up.”

Any way, here are Greenwich Roundups Web Stats for only May 1 to May 15th:

10,260 Visits

22,976 Page Views

6,632 Absolute Unique Visitors

Please see:

05/01/08 - The News Portal Of Greenwich Sets Another Record


04/01/08 - Things Are So Bright. We Are Going To Start Wearing Sunglasses

03/01/08 - Greenwich Roundup Influencing The Influencers.

02/01/08 - Greenwich Roundup Is Growing Like Gangbusters - Checkout January's Web Stats

By the way, Greenwich Roundup Is The Only News Website To Publish Their Web Stats.

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
"Greenwich's Most Influential News Website"

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Useful criticism, helpful links and corrections and general comments are always welcome at Greenwich Roundup. Generally only spam ads and posts with very foul language get censored.

Contact me directly at GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com if you have a suggestion or comment you don't want publicized (but tell me so in your email).

I look forward to publishing your opinions.

COMMENTING RULES: We encourage an open exchange of ideas in the Greenwich community, but we ask you to follow our guidelines. Basically, be civil, smart, on-topic and free from profanity. Don't say anything you wouldn't want your mother to read!