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Monday, April 14, 2008

04/14/08 - BOE To Spend 1.7 Million To Put The Smallest Glenville Students In The Molded Modulars - Older Students Will Be Dispersed All Over(Updated)

Why Is The Greenwich Board Of Education Doing This To Me?

Glenville Students Better Enjoy Their Gym Time While They Can

The Three Younger Grades Will Have No Gym Next Year, While They Are Stuffed In The Moldy Modular Classrooms

The Older Grades Will Have To Try Squeeze Some Gym Time At Other Schools Around Town

First Selectman Peter Tesei And The Other Selectmen Wanted to temporarily give the Glenville Children The Old School At The Western Greenwich Civic Center

Please See:

04/11/09 - You Have To Dig For Information - Oh, and by the way the Greenwich Public School System is taking over the Western Greenwich Civic Center

04/10/08 - Ken Borsuk Of The Greenwich Post Hits The Web With A News Scoop

But The Whacky Greenwich Board Of Education Has Other Plans For The Children Of Glenville.

The Board Of Education on Friday night voted not take over the Western Greenwich Civic Center Or Any Other School Building.

Now the Board Of Education Wants To Break Up The Glenville School. Younger Children Will Be Placed In The Retrofitted Moldy Modulars And Older Children Will Be Squeezed In To Over Crowed Schools Around Town.

The BOE wants to rip out the molded roof overhang and then place small children in the contaminated modular space.

Now lets see if we can get this straight, if the Hamilton Avenue School Parent's independent tester even gets near the mold, then the contamination is going to spread exceptionally and cause all kinds of additional contamination.

Please see:

04/11/08 - Greenwich Spotlight: Greenwich School District's Facilities Director Anthony "Tony Two Face" Byrne And The Ham Ave School Coverup (Updated)

But if a bunch of construction contractors in space suit rip out the roof overhang then the small children of Glenville school will be just fine.

The Greenwich Board Of Education is just as silly as it looks if it thinks a responsible Glenville mother will even consider putting her children into the contaminated space.

How dose the BOE expect a Glenville mother to go along with plan to split up Glenville School when Greenwich School Supintendent Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg won't even let Greenwich Parents independently test the modular classrooms, especially in the contaminated soffis - or overhang - of the modular classrooms.

The Facts are the facts:

Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's school system replaced molded ceiling tiles at the modular classrooms over one year ago and KNOWINGLY left the small children in the contaminated classrooms with out informing their parents.

03/05/08 - The Unionized (Teamstewrs) School District Custodial Staff Are Suggesting That There Might Be A School District Coverup At Ham Ave School.

03/09/08 - Town Employees: Sternberg's Crew Knew - Mold Covered Tiles Replaced Over One Year Ago.

03/12/08 - Why Was It Ok To Remove Dumpsters Of Contaminated Plywood, But Not OK To Remove School Desks And Chairs?

Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's school system ignored parents complaints about their children's health problems for over one year, while KNOWING that the classrooms were contaminated.

Please see:

03/13/08 - Former PTA president Laura DiBella said parents had reported that their children having frequent headaches, nausea, nosebleeds, and ......

03/31/08 - "What irks me about the formaldehyde is it could be a good five years before my kids get diagnosed,"

Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's school system ignored parents complaints about poor maintenance procedures.

Greenwich Roundup became involved with this story when a concerned Hamilton Avenue School parent was upset that the Hamilton Avenue School parent was upset that water was leaking in her child's classroom.

This parent said that school officials, BOE members, local politicians and media outlets ignored the water leaks in the modular classrooms

Please see:

02/14/08 - Which High Paid School Administrator Is Responsible For Maintaing The Temporary Classrooms At Western Middle School?

Day after day the Hamilton Avenue School parents have been proven right and Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's school system is shown to be less than honest

On February 14th we reported that the Hamilton Avenue School Parents were saying that the modular school roofs....


It was water leaking that caused the sever mold problems at Hamilton Avenue School that put these little children in temporary classrooms at Western Middle School.

School parents are blaming school custodians for not removing snow from the temporary classroom roofs, in an effort to prevent the leaking water.

These temporary classrooms are not even
two years old !!!

Weeks latter
Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's school system shut down the contaminated modular classrooms and repeatedly tried to give the impression that the contaminated modular classroom were only because of design flaws and not lack of maintenance.

Please see:

03/13/08 - Just How Much Are The Taxpayers Of Greenwich Paying Superintendent Betty Sternberg And Her Failed Administrators To Lie To The Public?


An environmental consultant hired by the school district has said the ceiling of one of the classrooms affected by the roof leaks had mold growth.


Sternberg and other officials said design and construction flaws rather than maintenance shortcomings caused the mold problems at the modulars. They said roof leaks reported months earlier at the modulars were properly addressed and not connected to the mold found inside the walls and in the roof eaves.


Greenwich Time - Staff Writer

Five years ago, when mold problems began surfacing at the old Hamilton Avenue School and other buildings, school district officials implemented a program to help identify and prevent similar problems from occurring in the future.

But now they admit the program was not uniformly put into practice across the district....

Greenwich Roundup says.... But, school officials did identify the mold in the modular classrooms over one year ago. The problem is that they hid the mold from Glenville and Hamilton Avenue School parents.

Now Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's School System's structural engineer Steve Susca now says that school officials must take extra care to keep ice off the roof and take preventive steps to keep moisture from entering the building and classrooms.

Now Structural Engineer Susca told parents at a public hearing that, "This is a high maintenance roof." and that the contaminated modular roof is "Going to reqire a high degree of maintenance".

It looks like the Hamilton Avenue Parents were right all along about the maintenace problems at the contaminated modular classrooms and Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg's school system is trying to manage a coverup that is unravelling right before our very eyes.

Please see:

04/12/08 - Greenwich Spotlight: Greenwich School District's Facilities Director Anthony "Tony Two Face" Byrne And The Ham Ave School Coverup (Updated)

How in the world can the Mother's of Glenville let Betty "You Can Trust Me" Sternberg put their children in those contaminated modular classrooms?

Please see:

04/12/08 - Would Someone Please Call Ripley's Believe It Or Not, Because This Is Unbelievable


The problems with mold usually stem from the symptoms and health effects resulting from indoor mold exposure. There is public awareness that exposure to mold can cause adverse health effects, symptoms, and possible allergic reactions. Health professionals are often tasked with the investigation and/or assessment of these health effects on employees and/or the public.

The most common form of hypersensitivity is caused by the direct exposure to inhaled mold spores that can be dead or alive or hyphal fragments which can lead to allergic asthma or allergic rhinitis. The most common effects are Rhinorrhea (runny nose), watery eyes, coughing and asthma attacks. Another form of hypersensitivity is hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP). This is usually the direct result of inhaled large spores or fragments in an occupational setting. About 5% of individuals are predicted to have some allergic airway symptoms from molds over their lifetime.

Toxic effects from mold are produced by exposure to the mycotoxins of some mold species, such as Stachybotrys chartarum (S. chartarum). These are often referred to as “Toxic molds” These toxic molds are often implicated as a potential cause of Sick Building Syndrome.

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