Hyper Local News Pages

Monday, October 24, 2011

10/24/11 Breaking the Silence: Anti-Genocide Week Nov. 4th - 13th

Temple Sholom, Christ Church & The Sholom Center, in partnership with
the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust present
barbed wire
A Response to Genocide
November 4th - 13th

Rwandan Genocide Survivor Speaks Out
Friday, Nov. 4th
7:30pm dinner & discussion, following 6:30pm services
$18.00 per person.
Register here
From April 1994-July 1994, it is estimated between 800,000 and one million people, mostly ethnic Tutsis were murdered.

When the Rwandan genocide began in April 1994, Eugenie Mukeshimana was six months pregnant. She went into hiding, staying at a succession of safe houses, spending weeks at a time hidden. Her husband did not survive. In the aftermath, Eugenie had no other choice but to rebuild her life from scratch. The responsibility of raising her newborn daughter as a single mother, gave her an incentive to rise above and beyond survivorship.

Come hear Eugenie's remarkable story.

Every Object Tells A Story
Sunday, Nov. 6th
9:00am workshop for 5th & 6th graders & their parents
No fee.
Register here
This interactive workshop teaches students about Jewish culture and the history of the Holocaust through close examination of personal and historical objects. Students will learn about individual stories of the Holocaust and how objects are used in a museum to tell the individual stories that make up a history.

Film Screening "Wrong Side of the Bus"

Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 7:00pm at Christ Church / Parish Hall
No fee.
Register here

The film explores how easy it is to accept injustice and compromise one's morals. Though it's easy for any good person to become a

bystander, it's not so easy to live with the consequences.

Wrong Side of the Bus is the story of a journey to forgiveness when Professor Sidney Bloch returns to South Africa to confront his lack of courage during the Apartheid years.

*Please note: this program takes place at Christ Church in Parish Hall

The Anniversary of Kristallnacht
"The Night of Broken Glass"
with Holocaust survivor and eyewitness
Reni Hanau

Wednesday, Nov. 9th
No fee

Roundtable Discussion with Cadets & Midshipmen
from the Auschwitz Jewish Center Military Ethics Program

Friday, Nov. 11th, 7:30pm following 6:30pm services
Desserts & Coffee
No fee.
Register here

The American Service Academies Program chooses cadets and midshipmen from our U.S. armed forces and gives them an opportunity to participate in an intensive three week program dedicated to learning about the Holocaust and Military Ethics. The program is run through the Auschwitz Jewish Center.

During a three week tour of Poland, participants met Holocaust survivors and rescuers (Righteous Christians), worked with scholars, visited Holocaust sites and significantly explored the role of military leadership and ethical responsibility as it relates to their career choice.

Join us for a panel discussion to hear from them first hand about their experiences and the importance of Holocaust remembrance and ethical leadership.

Trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
in New York City
Sunday, Nov. 13th
Bus departs from Temple Sholom at 12:15 pm
and will return at approximately 6:00 pm
$45 per person (includes lunch, transportation and guided tour)

All programs, unless otherwise indicated, take place at Temple Sholom,
and are free of charge
To RSVP, contact Alice Schoen at (203) 542-7165 or email her
at alice.schoen@templesholom.com.

For more information, please contact Lori Baden at lori.baden@templesholom.com,

or call her at (203) 542-7172.

Temple Sholom
300 East Putnam Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
(203) 869-7191

Temple Sholom | 300 East Putnam Avenue | Greenwich | CT | 06830

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