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Monday, August 16, 2010

08/16/10 New comment on 08/10/10 Meet Dan Debicella.

ccdemuth has left a new comment on your post "08/10/10 Meet Dan Debicella":

Congratulations, Dan Debicella, on your decisive primary victory. Anyone who wants to support Dan can do so here: https://debicella.blue-swarm.com/donate/.

Building a new majority in the House of Representatives is the most direct route to bringing balance to a government that is spinning out-of-control on spending, taxes, and regulation. The incumbent Jim Himes clarified where he stands – with us when he visits Fairfield County but with Nancy Pelosi when she needs his vote in Washington.

Dan has a different set of values – he is running for Congress "to restore the values of free enterprise and individual liberty to Washington. Fairfield County families want practical solutions on the economy, healthcare, and transportation. I will use my background as a businessman and a State Senator to implement new ideas to get our economy growing again and create jobs for our families.

All the answers coming out of Washington are for "more government"—whether bailing out banks, taking over auto companies, building record deficits for pork-barrel stimulus, or having government take-over our healthcare system. Our current Congressman, Jim Himes, has been a rubber-stamp for this big government agenda. I believe there is a better way. Through solutions that support small businesses and empower middle class families, I believe that we can get our country back on the right track."

Our government is pushing measures that will make our country poorer, more vulnerable, and less free. It is time to push back.

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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