Hyper Local News Pages

Friday, August 6, 2010

08/06/10 The Raw Greenwich News Feed: Morning Edition

News Reports About
Greenwich, CT

Innovative Greenwich couple win grant for web-based student employment software
Greenwich Citizen
Greenwich couple Kate and Jim Hohorst and their company, Student Employment Software LLC, were recently chosen as one of 14 concerns in the nation to win ...
Greenwich couple detail Bon Courage
Greenwich Citizen
By Anne W. Semmes
Greenwich resident and newly published author Ken McAdams and his artist wife Marian "Bing" Bingham are a can-do couple who are managing ...
New Canaan man charged in drunken-driving crash in Greenwich
Greenwich Time

A New Canaan man was charged with second-degree assault with a motor vehicle Thursday for a drunken-driving accident in July on North Street that left a woman seriously injured, police said.

John Marshall II, 41, of 47 Ash Tree Lane, was arrested after turning himself in on a warrant at police headquarters. He also faces charges of driving while under the influence and failure to keep right.

The accident happened on July 2 when a Land Roverdriven by Marshall crossed a double yellow line on North Street and collided head on with a Mercedes-Benz, authorities said.

The 40-year-old woman driving the Mercedes was critically injured by the impact, while Marshall had minor injuries, police said.

The victim remains in a local hospital recovering from her injuries, according to police.....

...She is not a Greenwich resident, but does live in Fairfield County. Sgt. John Slusarz, head of the Police Department's traffic section, ...
Source of childhood memories, Playland could close
Stamford Advocate
One of two toy soldiers that guard Playland in Rye, NY, on Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010.
BOB HORTON: Getting along with 'outsiders' at Island Beach
Greenwich Time
You may remember that a few
Greenwich residents had a less-than-satisfying experience at the overcrowded island oasis over the July Fourth long weekend. ...
SENIORITY BY ANNE W. SEMMES: John B. Margenot Jr., 82
Greenwich Citizen
I was born here -- in
Greenwich Hospital. My grandparents moved here in the 1920s. My mother, Mary Manero, was the oldest of the Manero children of Manero's ...
Sam Bridge offers recycling of used plastic pots
Greenwich Citizen
Sam Bridge Nursery & Greenhouses in
Greenwich has a free recycling bin, above, for those plastic plant pots that are building up in your garage. ...
Preventing Nuclear War: A Collaborative Effort
Greenwich Citizen
The following is an abbreviated version of
Greenwich High School rising senior Rebecca Schreff's winning essay of an annual writing contest sponsored by the ...
Police: Woman tries to take a bite out of officer at GHS
Greenwich Time

A woman was taken to Greenwich Hospital Wednesday night after families attending sporting events atGreenwich High School reported a woman bathing herself from a water fountain.

The woman appeared to be emotionally disturbed, according to the police report. Police on scene said she was rambling and acting irrationally. When officers attempted to take the woman to a hospital, she allegedly tried to bite one of the officers.

The woman began flailing about and hitting herself in the head, leading officers to try restraining her from doing any further harm to herself, department spokesman Lt. Kraig Gray said.

"She lunged and attempted to bite one of the officers," Gray said, noting that the woman ripped a latex glove from an officer's hand. ....

No charges were filed against the woman, whom police did not identify.

The Police Department's new Crisis Intervention Team was notified, but was not able to respond in time to assist officers. The department formed the unit in mid-July to help deal with calls involving emotionally disturbed people. Officers are specially trained to handle sensitive calls and refer subjects to the appropriate facilities for care.....

Jason Crafts Another 'Unfinished Mess' on 'Project Runway' (VIDEO)
TV Squad
Still, the designer from
Greenwich, CT, insisted that these place-holding pins merely allowed the dress to be styled in many different ways, ...
School's neighbors miffed about round-the-clock garage lights
Greenwich Time

The lights are on 24-7, and some neighbors have been in the dark about why.

Now these residents say it is time for school officials to flip off the switch at the Hamilton Avenue Schoolparking garage, where dozens of lights have been kept on all day, every day, since school let out in June.

The longer these lights stay on, they say, the more their taxpayer dollars go to unnecessary utility costs.

"It's a waste," complained Donald Perry, who owns property on Charles Street, near the school. "It's like putting your air conditioner on and leaving your windows open."

Charles Street resident Mauro LoParco feels likewise.

"As a taxpayer, I'm asking myself why the hell am I paying for these lights to be on when the town says it's struggling and having money problems?" he said. "It's the little things like that that add up."....

White-tailed Kite sails into Connecticut history
Greenwich Citizen
A wandering White-tailed Kite has made history in New England, specifically in the state of Connecticut,
Black Diamond Boosts Distressed, P.E. Team
The $5 billion
Greenwich, Conn.-based alternative investments firm has named Philip Raygorodetsky a managing director on its controlled distressed and ...
6 tips for frugal back-to-school savings
... kid's clothes to see what you can salvage from last year, says Nina Restieri, founder of momAgenda.com and an organizational expert in Greenwich, Conn. ...

New pocket cameras offer plenty to (point and) shoot about
Greenwich Citizen
Outdoor scenics: I took the picture of this unusual cloud formation at
Greenwich Point near the little curve of the beach (in front of the bell tower) seen ...
Celiac Sufferers, Rejoice
... as a fully gluten-free establishment in May, to the joy of folks from towns as far afield as Greenwich and Newtown who shun the starchy filler. ...
Garber will focus on protecting seniors from internet predators
Stamford Plus Magazine
By Ross Garber's campaign Speaking at the
Greenwich Senior Citizens Center, Republican candidate for Attorney General Ross Garber announced his intention to ...

Blog Posts About
Greenwich, CT

Troisi fails to make the cut - Greenwich Real Time
By Christina Hennessy
Troisi, 33, a
Greenwich resident, was initially selected to be one of 17 designers vying for a chance to launch their own fashion line and win other prizes. "Project Runway," runs every Thursday at 9 p.m. on Lifetime Television. ...
Greenwich Real Time - http://blog.greenwichtime.com/realtime/
White-tailed Kite sails into Connecticut history ...
Greenwich Citizen
O'Toole said the consensus of the bird watching population that has gathered to see the bird, some coming from as far as Pennsylvania, is that it is a ...and more »
Bird Watching - http://birdwatching.differenthobbies.com/
LeBron's Decision Cost At Least $10000 in Security From Greenwich ...
By sports
The one item that seemed to get lost in the aftermath of the LeBron James Decision hoopla was why James needed to be in
Greenwich, Connecticut to make his long.
Sports - http://www.thesportsmd.com/
New Canaan man charged in drunken-driving crash in Greenwich ...
By admin
Disgraced Bell City Manager Facing DUI Charges Robert Rizzo was due in court in Westminster Thursday morning Watch Chip Yost's Report WESTMINSTER --
Texas DUI Legal News & Help - http://www.dui-attorney-news.com/Texas/
Just Another Mobile Phone Blog: Verizon Wireless Expands 3G ...
By Maximus
New cell site provides increased wireless voice and 3G data coverage along Lake Avenue, Round Hill Road and North Street in central
Greenwich and along the Merritt Parkway between exits 31 and 33, as well as the surrounding area ...
Just Another Mobile Phone Blog - http://justamp.blogspot.com/
And Last But Not Least This
Greenwich, CT Blog Post

Oh, for heaven's sake – a fireboat for Greenwich? « For What It's ...
Greenwich Blog: For What It's Worth

Greenwich has applied for the return of stolen money in the form of a “free’ fireboat from the feds. There are no free lunches and no free fireboats. The craft wold have to be manned and maintained and, despite one official’s asinine quote that it would come in handy if Captain Sully came out of retirement and decided to land his next plane in Greenwich Harbor rather than the Hudson, no practical use for the thing.

Public safety officials said that homeowners [and Captain Sully] wouldn’t be the only beneficiaries.

“I think if you talk to any yacht clubs or marinas in town, I’m sure they would welcome that additional coverage,” [Fire Chief Peter] Siecienski said. ”The local yachts would be glad if we had it”.

If there’s a fire at Riverside Yacht Club, an institution dear to my heart, and the boats go up well, that’s why members insure their boats. Better they pay insurance premiums than taxpayers run a fireboat.

RTM member Joan Caldwell (no relation, so far as I know) is, as usual, all over this ridiculous idea and I think we’re safe. I’ve never met the lady, but I’d like to – why isn’t she our First Selectman?



Demmerkrat Patriot

I may not recall correctly, but isn’t at least of the frerries the Town already owns equipped with a pump and nozzle for fire use? Someone should check on the bow of the Indian Harbor ….

While I applaud the efforts to recoup some of our tax dollars from the “gubmint”, I would like to see the yearly maintenance and fuel costs for this thing. And, of course, the Greenwich tax payers will have to replace this “essential” craft when it reaches the end of its useful life.

Rather than having Mr. Warzoha apply for grants, perhaps he should be tasked with finding all the equipment that is NOT necessary for the protection and safety of the Town, and get it all off our books.

If your house next to the creek is on fire, and there’s no pressure in the hydrants, who ya gonna call? The Police? The Emergency Management Director? FF?

Why isn’t Ms. Caldwell 1st Selectman? Funny you should ask.

A. She’s busy running the RTM.
B. She brought us Conyers Farm for Peter Brant.
C. She just might be still a replacement for Mr. Tesei. Ask her.

Demmerkrat, my dad proudly claimed to have sunk more US ships than any enemy of the United States because his first task in the Navy when WW II broke out was to to inventory what, exactly, we still had floating among all the boats listed on the rolls. Turns out, ships that had fought in the Spanish American War and long since scrapped (with their steel probably sold to Japan) were just the tip of the iceberg.

Pierre Bergé, Nom de Plume

Hey, we’ve got a police force the size of an Army, so why can’t we have a Navy?

And a Marine Corps too!

Don’t worry, glad Joanie is all over the idiot Fire Chief’s proposal.

Remember Joan Caldwell did PR and lobbied for the pre felon Peter Brandt when he was developing Conyers Farm. Nobody from Greenwich lives there anyway, so why don’t we just raise the taxes on those eyesore houses up to the level of Bedford or Scarsdale and use the extra money for a nice yacht for town officials. It could be renamed Caldwell Farm.

It’s not hard to see why the country is broke!!!

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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