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Friday, July 23, 2010

07/23/10 THE GREENWICH BRIEFING: Try celebrating America's independence in Normandy

This Just In To The Greenwich Roundup Newsroom ......
My host during my recent journey to Normandy was Count Denis de Kergorlay, owner of the 1,000-year-old Chateau de Canisy, located near St.-Lo. Photo: Anne W. Semmes / Greenwich Citizen Two Frenchmen who survived the Normandy invasion, Jean Mignon, left and Roger Portier, gathered in Portier's Operation Cobra museum that tells the St.-Lo Breakout ...
Retired Army Staff Sergeant Dave Curcio , 89 and retired physicist Lee Davenport , 94, both of Greenwich, have found they have something in common.
By VANESSA DE LA TORRE, vdelatorre@courant.com , July 22, 2010 hc-west-hartford-test-scores-0723-20100722 WEST HARTFORD - - July is no vacation for superintendents and principals.
Pinkberry, a Los Angeles-based upscale frozen yogurt store, plans to open one of its first stores in Connecticut in this 1512 Post Road storefront that was previously occupied by Pizza Works
Another Nightmare on the Merritt (Connecticut Magazine)
Wednesday was another rough night for commuters using the tree-lined Merritt Parkway.
The almost 3,700-square-foot, nine-room, 18th-century Ebenezer Smith home, framed by the biggest sugar maple in Connecticut, was partly remodeled at the turn of the 19th century into the Federal style, and a north wing was added later still.
Greenwich High School sophomores made gains in math, science and writing in the Connecticut Academic Performance Test, but saw a dip in reading compared to last year's results.
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