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Thursday, June 17, 2010

06/17/10 Dan Debicella Criticizes Greenwich Resident Jim Himes Hypocrisy

Debicella Criticizes Himes Hypocrisy

In a press release today I criticized Jim Himes for his recent comments during a telephone town hall meeting he sponsored. Himes stated during the call that he would be willing to support a 1% spending cut. His statement was insultingly too little and embarrassingly too late.

Jim Himes voted to increase discretionary government spending by 22%. He supported an $800 billion stimulus package designed to create jobs, yet unemployment still hovers at 10%.

During the call, Jim Himes called for a budget “that in the aggregate reduces spending 1%.” Himes stated that the world is looking for “an indication that we have the political will, that we have a plan to over time restore fiscal balance.”

This is yet another example of Jim Himes’s hypocrisy. You can’t vote for a 22% spending increase in Washington and then come back to Connecticut and talk about a 1% spending cut and think that makes it all go away. People are savvy when it comes to DC insiders and spending, particularly in this political climate.

Folks are concerned about spending and they’re angry with their incumbent congressman. A 1% cut following Jim Himes’s 22% increase doesn’t fool anyone. Jim Himes’s voting record has led to a $1.4 trillion deficit and that 1% cuts do not begin to make up the difference.

But we know that there is a better way. I have proposed a hard spending cap that will force politicians of both parties to make tough decisions about how tax dollars are spent as well as an end to political earmarks that simply reward politicians for voting with party insiders. My proposal would limit the size of the federal government to no more than 20% of the economy. Currently government spending represents 26% of the economy.

My plan also calls for a repeal of the stimulus spending after which we should return those dollars to families and small businesses in the form of a tax cut. Putting money back in people’s pockets is the best way to jump-start the economy. My proposal to cut the payroll tax in half would return $1,500 to every middle class family, give every small business a tax cut, and reduce the federal deficit by $150 billion.

Thank you for your support as we point out Jim Himes’s hypocrisy to the Fourth Congressional District.

All my best,


P.S. You can help me get our message out by contributing $25, $50, or $100 today!

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