Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, April 1, 2010

04/01/10 Homeless Greenwich Farmer Del Zannette Passed Away Last Night

Some of Del Zannette's former neighbors have reported that long time Greenwich Farmer Del Zannette died last night.

Greenwich Roundup just saw the homeless farmer Tuesday using the red phone at First Selectman Peter Tesei's office in an effort to get some of his property out of storage,

Mr. Zannette was not invited into Mr Tesei's office, nor was he referred to the Social Services office on third floor of town hall.

The homeless Greenwich farmer was 80 years old and still owned 50% of the farm that he was not allowed to live at.

Rest In Peace Delmo Zannette

This is a sad day for a town that has no pity for the elderly, disabled, disadvantaged, poor and homeless.

When are we going to start treating the common folk of Greenwich the same way we treat the bankers and hedge funds guys.

Del Zannett Had Repeatedly Told Greenwich Roundup That
The Greenwich Time Had Treated Him Poorly And Refusd To
Tell His Sad Story, Because The Paper Did Not Want To Lose Car Ads.

Del Zanette -- described by his grandson Paul Zanette as "a very loving man" -- died....
.....Paul Zanette said he died of natural causes. He said his grandfather had suffered from a variety of ailments including respiratory difficulties and asthma......
.....John Zimmerman, who lives at the property, placed a sign saying....
...... "Del's Dead! May He R.I.P." at King Street and Bedford Road......
.....The signs were taken down twice by man who said he represented Weichert Realtors. He declined to give his name. A woman at Weichert's Greenwich office declined to comment before hanging up the telephone......
.....Prior to his 2008 eviction Zanette was one of the last two farmers in Greenwich. The last remaining farmer is John Augustin, who operates a farm on King Street.....
Shame, Shame, Shame On The Compliant Greenwich Time

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1 comment:

  1. This literally leaves agriculture in Greenwich standing on only one leg, a long fall from the Town's glorious past as a local food producer.

    Last week we drove from Florida to Greenwich, and along the entire trip we observed only one herd of animals (beef cows) and one piece of working farm equipment, a tractor and disc rig. Fifteen deer were sighted inside the I-95 right-of-way, so what's happened here seems widespread and sad.


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