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Friday, January 15, 2010

01/15/10 PRESS RELEASE: The end of anything goes

Linda McMahon For Senate

Dear Greenwich Roundup --

Rob Simmons is getting nervous. The 38-point lead he enjoyed in September has all but evaporated, according to this week's Quinnipiac Poll. He can't win on the issues because his voting record is grossly out of step with mainstream Republicans. So he's resorted to false attacks on Linda.

'Candidate' Simmons claims he opposes the positions he took in Congress. So which do we believe? Simmons' actions while in Congress or his words now as a candidate in a Republican primary? Actions speak louder than words.

As a career politician, Rob built a record of standing with liberal Democrats in Congress to support budget-busting, job-killing legislation. He twice co-sponsored Card Check legislation, a bill that would force workers to sign a union card in public instead of voting by secret ballot. He partnered with liberal California Democrat Henry Waxman in co-sponsoring Cap-and-Trade climate change legislation, a bill that would raise energy costs in Connecticut, even though the state's energy costs are already among the highest in the nation.

In Congress, Simmons routinely earned 'C' and 'D' grades from the National Taxpayer Union because he voted for more than 350 bills that increased spending and only 13 bills that cut spending. He twice voted to raise the federal debt ceiling ... by more than a Trillion dollars!

It's no wonder Simmons doesn't want to talk about issues. Instead he's been misleading Connecticut voters for months by falsely claiming Linda has only voted twice in her life -- even though he knows it isn't true.

Simmons' False Campaign Attacks: "[Linda McMahon] voted only twice in her life" and "Because of [Linda's] failure to vote more than twice in her life...Republicans have reason to question [her] commitment to the Republican Party."

The Truth: According to the Greenwich Registrar of Voters, Linda "has been a registered voter [in Connecticut] since October 9, 1984 and has voted in the following elections: 11/07/2000, 11/5/2002, 11/2/2004, 11/4/2008 and 11/3/2009." It's important to note that Greenwich only keeps voting records going back to 2000.

Linda has been up front with the voters regarding her voting record from the day she announced. She is not running away from her record. Why is Rob Simmons so intent on tearing her down instead of building himself up or discussing HIS record?

Simmons has clearly made a strategic decision to employ an 'anything goes' approach, however dishonorable and deplorable the tactics may be. His deceptive attack on Linda's voting record is patently false, dealing a huge blow to Rob Simmons' credibility.

Linda believes Connecticut voters deserve the truth, not more of the same kind of slash-and-burn politics we've come to expect from career politicians.

She is running for Senate because only an outsider with real conservative values can be trusted to change Washington's failed economic policies.

Ed Patru
Communications Director
Linda For Senate 2010

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Linda McMahon for Senate 2010
PO Box 271386 West Hartford, CT 06127
Telephone: 860-244-2010

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