Hyper Local News Pages

Friday, March 20, 2009

03/20/09 Six Days Later Failed Greenwich Time Managing Editor Bruce Hunter Has Rookie Reporter Debra Friedman Get The Rest Of The Story At Wilbur Peck

Aldina Portu moved into Wilbur Peck two years ago and has since made multiple complaints to police and the Housing Authority about the increased violence and harassment she says plagues the complex. Last weekend's clash between some residents and police has been a long time in the making, she said. (Keelin Daly/Greenwich Time photo)

Residents not surprised by violent Wilbur Peck incident

By Debra Friedman

The violence at Wilbur Peck Court public housing complex last Saturday morning came as no surprise to many residents, who said they have warned town officials about a growing problem of harassment and disturbances there.

"There is a lot of violence and it's gotten worse," said Aldina Portu, 47, a two-year resident of Wilbur Peck Court. "I'm sick and tired of calling 911."

Portu said she has spoken to police and housing authority officials informing them that a small group of people harass neighbors, fight, abuse drugs and alcohol in public and create loud noises during all hours of the night.....

Greenwich Time Hates To Tell
Failed Greenwich Time
Managing Editor Bruce Hunter
We Told You So, But.....

.....Eby Kerekes, 52, an eight-year resident of Wilbur Peck Court, said she is constantly disturbed by a group of young men she sees hanging out from her window.

"I have no peace," said Kerekes. "You have to walk on egg shells around here. It keeps getting worse."

Ramone Medrano, 86, who has lived at Wilbur Peck Court for 20 years, said he often hears a group of men drinking and making noise late at night.

"Every day it's the same thing," he said.....

What's Terry Mardula Hiding?

....Terry Mardula, deputy director of the Greenwich Housing Authority, said he was aware of residents' frustration over a group known to cause disturbances and they are taking the matter seriously.

However, he said that there is no simple solution to solve the problem.

"People think this wouldn't have happened if there was more security there, or if there were more cameras. That is not the cause of this. These are young adults who abuse alcohol and do not like to be directed on what to do," said Mardula.

While Mardula said the Wilbur Peck complex is equipped with security cameras, he declined to comment on their condition or disclose how many there are. Residents said the cameras only monitor the garbage areas.....
Mardula Only Monitors The Garbage When He Has
A Drug And Gang Problem In Front Of His Building?

What About The Dash Board Cameras On The Police Cars?

....Police Chief David Ridberg said his department has been advocating for more cameras.

"I don't know that they are adequate," said Ridberg about the condition of the current cameras.
Police said last weekend's incident brought heightened attention to people already known to them as a result of prior criminal activity.....

Oh It's Not A Crazy One Time Incident
That Somehow Got Out Of Hand

....."We've had prior dealings with at least four of them," said Ridberg...

....For three men, it was the second arrest this year. Cardenas-Rey was charged on Feb. 14 with interfering with a police officer and disorderly conduct after police responded to the complex for a noise complaint where he was allegedly belligerent and physically combative towards police officers. Daniel and Christopher Flores were arrested the same night and charged with disorderly conduct and criminal mischief, according to court records. .....

Ridberg Pussy Foots Around The Gang Question

...."It depends on how you classify a gang. If it's a very general description of two or more people engaged in criminal activity, then yes. .....

This Kind Of Reminds One Of When
Former President Clinton Said,
"It Depends What Your Deifinition Of "Is" Is

At Least Mardula Is Willing To Tell The Taxpayers The Truth About The Violence

....While he noted that some behaviors are correctable, like a noise violation, others, such as behaving violently, are not.

"For me, it's hard to see how this is correctable," Mardula said

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