Hyper Local News Pages

Sunday, March 8, 2009

03/08/09 READER SUBMITED COMMENTS: Joe, Susie and the Mayor????

The Greenwich Time Draws A Big Yawn For Re-Hiring The Dish

Hey Readers of the GreenwichRoundup,

It appears some of the FORMERLY FIRED STAMFORD ADVOCATE EMPLOYEES are back in business!!

Susie Costaregni, aka "the Dish" and "the dish 2" has her job back as the local gossiping news hound!

Susie Costaregni's STAR SIGHTINGS in and about Greenwich continue....

In her first "column" back on staff, she is back snooping and reporting the daily mundane grind of Regis and Joy, Kathie Lee Gifford, Harry Connick, and David Letterman.

Man, it was so nice not to read what Regis' and Joy were eating and where they were dining. Can't anyone have a little privacy?

This is one newspaper column I never missed in Susie Costaregni's absence. I mean, who cares what these "stars" are doing in their spare time? Harry Connick has lived in CT for almost 20 years. Do he and his wife, Jill, want Susie dishing up their every move? Is anything private anymore? Can we get the latest on Susie cruising the Greenwich Singles bar scene with Joe in tow?

If Susie is back, where's her mentor/father figure/former English teacher, male companion, boyfriend, JOE PISANI??????? I have to assume not far behind (no pun intended). These two bimbozos seem to travel, eat,write,and savor, every minute together.

Now that the chances of Joe Pisani as Dan Malloy's Press Secretary seem a little far fetched, will we AGAIN have to endure Pisani again as part of the local failing press?

Add Dumb Dan Malloy, and we have the makings of a trashy movie. Maybe the Town of Greenwich should show these people THE DOOR.....maybe collect some non-resident rent on their way out...

Name Withheld By Request

Please send your comments to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com or click on the comments link at the end of this post.

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