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Saturday, September 13, 2008

09/13/08 The Raw Greenwich Blog And RSS Feed For Saturday

Today's Featured Greenwich Blog From Pastor Nick Uva
At Harvestime Church On King Street

You see the lion creeping through the thicket full of cunning; but sheep have none. “Poor, simple sheep,” we say; and God’s people are a simple people. Like Nathaniel of old, we may say of them, “Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile.” Those who are crafty and cunning, betray but very little of the spirit of Jesus. Jesus was no dupe for knaves, but at the same time, a fool was safe in his hands; and so with the Christian, he is not to be so foolish as to be the prey of every deceiver, but he is to be so generous that the most foolish shall never be wronged, or have advantage taken of them by him. The lambs bear this character as well as the sheep; they, too know no guile.From a sermon entitled "The Lambs And Their Shepherd," delivered November 15, 1863.

More From The The Daily Spurgeon

More Blogs Featuring Bloggers who Live In, Work In Or Used To Live In Greenwich....

For What It's Worth
No good news here

A friend with reliable sources has given me very bad news concerning Sally O'Brien. I won't pass it along in the hope it's false but her friends might want to make inquiries ...

More From The Prolific

For What It's Worth

Greenwich Real Estate Blog:

A Home Run? Local real estate columnists seem to t...
Hedge fund envy This article is on the Times' most...
What happens to this project? The Antares UST proj...
19 Dingletown I haven't seen this listing that ju...
Of this and that The Google map feature I was play...
Hmmm No one seems very cheery about Lehman's prosp...
Can we now, at last, close this case? Rosenberg re...
Lehman's woes I doubt that this firm's difficultie...
What part of "restructuring" don't sellers underst...
10 Cat Rock So-so picture but terrific house New l...
$13,000 to power 19 lightbulbs? But the symbolism ...
Lehman Tumbles This is not good for Greenwich real...
Price reduction on Indian Head I thought this hous...
23 Byram Terrace Here's a nice house At $1.495 mil...
The fix is in? It's not sexy and I suspect no one ...
44 Riverside Avenue This is a very nice house but ...
Going for broke? The same builder who brought new...
10 Andrews Road A reader inquired about the status...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Someone just...
Why are these men laughing? Guess who took in the ...
2 hours ago

The Blonde Excuse
Boston - Sorry I haven't updated pictures in a little while. I'd like to give a better explanation, but I'm in a big hurry to leave my house because Brent and I are g...
6 hours ago

Greenwich Diva
Senator Ted Stevens lawyers got Federal Prosecutor Brenda Morris really pissed off. Ms Morris says “Just because he has ‘U.S Senator’ in front of his name doesn’t mean we have to drink from the fire hose every time they call” - JESSE J. HOLLAND AP News Sep 12, 2008 16:10 EST Testy lawyers on Friday battled over what to call Sen. Ted Stevens’ house, what pictures jurors will see o...
7 hours ago

Exit 55
Greenwich 47, Bridgeport Central 13 - The title says it all. It was 14-13 Central at one point in the second quarter after the Cardinals had taken a 13-0 lead. Eric Camacho scored three times -...
8 hours ago

Tribune Company's Greenwich News Feed
State Fights FAA Traffic Plan - The state attorney general and other officials in four Northeastern states have asked a federal court to halt a new air traffic plan for the region, citing...
12 hours ago

Greenwich Library Today's Events
Baby Lapsit Registration - *When:* Saturday September 13th, 2008 - All Day Open enrollment begins August 18 for Baby Lapsit for infants up to 12 months with a caregiver. Five-week Fa...
15 hours ago

Greenwich News
'Sleepy' driver charged with DWI in White Plains - Tapping on the window didn't work. Neither did opening the car door and tapping on his shoulder.
17 hours ago

Ed's First Blog
The 2008 HOWL! Festival (Part Two) - Above, you can see the "temperance" arch where festival personnel encoraged people attending to partake in giving "spontaneous" poems and commentaries. ...


The 2008 HOWL! Festival (Part One)

1 day ago

Rock Star Diary
World Famous DJ Jorge Castillo's Birthday Bash - Late last month our hero and favorite muse, World Famous DJ Jorge Castillo, celebrated his birthday bash at Saint's & Sinners in Los Angeles. He decided to h...
1 day ago

Jane Genova: Speechwriter - Ghostwriter
But, I do want to forget 9/11 - Some columnists are decrying that there isn't as yet a 9/11 official Memorial in Manhattan. Maybe there isn't because we prefer to forget than remember. If w...
1 day ago

The Perrot Memorial Library Blog
Awesome Tree Contest - The Greenwich Tree Conservancy and the Town of Greenwich is sponsoring an "Awesome Tree Contest" in collaboration with Garden Education Center, Bruce Mus...
2 days ago

Sarah Darer Littman - Politics Above the Parapet At Our Greenwich
The more things change, the more they remain McSame - As an author of books for teens, I’m a firm believer that fiction can help young people work through feelings and situations without having to experience t...
5 days ago

Greenwich Gossip
"Greenwich is not under marshal law" - The local rag, AKA *Yellowwich Time*, strikes again. Today's front page carries the blooper that adorns today's blog title. Further proof, if any were need...
1 week ago

Greenwich Guy
The Left Attacks - So now the Left Wing wackos like Greenwich Diva are suggesting that Sarah Palin is the grandmother of Trig, her youngest child, suggesting that she is cove...
1 week ago

Nice one, Bill - There were times during the primary season where I thought Bill Clinton was losing his marbles. But the guy was right on tonight. Great speech, delivered w...
2 weeks ago

John Ferris Robben - T-shirt Philosophy Page At Our Greenwich
T-shirt Talk - Welcome to the world of talking on T-shirts Keep checking back for new T-shirt philosophy and tell us your thoughts in the comments.
2 weeks ago

Joy Haenlein's Our Greenwich Page
Coming soon… - In the very near future, OurGreenwich.com looks forward to bringing you exciting local content from well-known journalists and columnists. Stay Tuned…
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Joe Pisani's Our Greenwich Page
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2 weeks ago

Susie Costaregni's Our Greenwich Page
Coming soon… - In the very near future, OurGreenwich.com looks forward to bringing you exciting local content from well-known journalists and columnists. Stay Tuned…
2 weeks ago

Pray Connecticut
Move of the Holy Spirit in Salem, Massachusetts - I've just become aware of a move in Salem, Mass. with claimed healings. Meetings are being held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 8 North Street in Salem....
2 months ago

The Greenwich Blog
Double Exposure: Aerial Photographs of Glaciers Then and Now. July 12, 2008 - October 26, 2008 - An exhibition of paired large-format photographs of mountains and glaciers, recorded in the early to mid-1900s and again from 2005 to 2007, that document t...
2 months ago

Sarah Darer Littman - It's My Life and I'll Blog If I Want To


Please send your comments and favorite Greenwich Blog Links to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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