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Monday, August 25, 2008

08/25/08 Rookie blogger didn't know that Himes press releases shouldn't be posted on the internet. Undecided voters should not have access to releases

Jim Himes: "We've got to keep the momentum going!!!!"

Undecided Voters Can't Handle The Truth.

Conservative Media Outlets Like The Greenwich Time

Must Filter The Information For Them.

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the coverage!

I've noticed you've recently been posting Himes campaign media
advisories and press releases in their entirety to Greenwich Roundup.

I thought you should know that as a general rule, we consider
advisories about press events are for press only and we'd appreciate
it if you didn't publish such advisories on your site. Also, the phone
number at the top of all of our releases is our Communications
Director's personal cell phone, which we'd also appreciate not being
published on blogs.

I hope you can respect these two minor requests going forward. Feel
free to let me know if you ever need anything, and we'll be sure to
keep you informed.


Charles Monaco
Online Communications Director
Himes For Congress

Sorry, Charles I didn't know that press releases were supposed to be kept from the public and are not to be published on the internet in their entirety.

However, you had better send a copy of this email to your webmaster and tell him to take down the press releases from the front page of the Jim Himes website.


Aug 25, 2008: Himes Calls for Renewal in Connecticut
Aug 23, 2008:
Himes Statement on Obama Announcement of Biden as Running Mate
Aug 19, 2008:
Himes Campaign Says Shays is Partisan When it Counts
Aug 12, 2008:
Himes Looks Forward to Match Up With Shays
Aug 10, 2008:
Connecticut Public Service Workers Endorse Himes
Aug 07, 2008:
Himes Calls Shays Solution a Gimmick
Jul 31, 2008:
Himes Completes 17 Town Tour
Jul 29, 2008:
Himes and Statewide Officers Call for Change in Washington
Jul 25, 2008:
Congressional Quarterly Changes 4th CD Rating to “No Clear Favorite”
Jul 22, 2008:
Himes Offers Plan for Middle Class Tax Relief
Jul 16, 2008:
Himes Tops $2 Million
Jun 27, 2008:
Himes and First Selectmen Call For Full Funding of NCLB
Jun 25, 2008:
Himes Earns AFL-CIO Endorsement
Jun 19, 2008:
Jim Himes Ready For Primary
Jun 18, 2008:
Jim Himes Goes on the Air with First TV Ad

Your webmaster should also remove these older Jim Himes press releases or maybe password protect the press releases so that the general public can't access them....

Jun 16, 2008: Himes Blasts Shays’ Praise for High Energy Costs
Jun 11, 2008:
Jim Himes Statement on Importance of Bringing Our Troops Home
Jun 05, 2008:
4th District Race Is A Toss-Up
Jun 04, 2008:
Jim Himes Stands With Senator Obama
May 28, 2008:
Majority Whip Clyburn and Jim Himes Discuss Economy
May 26, 2008:
Jim Himes Statement on Memorial Day
May 13, 2008:
Fourth District Democrats Choose Jim Himes for Congress
May 05, 2008:
Diane Farrell Enthusiastically Endorses Jim Himes
May 01, 2008:
Jim Himes Calls Attention to Mission Not Accomplished at Home
Apr 14, 2008:
Jim Himes Continues Record Fundraising Pace
Apr 10, 2008:
Jim Himes Praises Governor Paterson’s Decision on Broadwater
Apr 09, 2008:
Jim Himes Statement on Growing Income Gap in Connecticut
Mar 25, 2008:
Jim Himes Statement on Chris Shays’ Support for Gas Tax Increase
Mar 20, 2008:
Jim Himes Statement on FERC Decision to Approve Broadwater
Mar 19, 2008:
Jim Himes Statement on the 5 Year Anniversary of the War in Iraq

And these old press releases are also on Mr. Hime's website.....

Mar 14, 2008: Chris Shays Sides With Bush Against Children’s Health Care, Middle Class Tax Relief
Mar 12, 2008:
Jim Himes Named to DCCC “Red to Blue” Program
Mar 11, 2008:
Jim Himes Condemns Chris Shays’ Support of Torture
Feb 27, 2008:
Statement of Jim Himes on the death of William F. Buckley
Feb 15, 2008:
Statement of Jim Himes on the Protect America Act of 2007
Feb 13, 2008:
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Joins Jim Himes Campaign for Change
Jan 17, 2008:
Jim Himes Campaign Sets Fundraising Record
Jan 08, 2008:
Shays Rallies for McCain, Who’d Stay “100 Years” in Iraq
Dec 27, 2007:
Jim Himes Statement on Assassination of Benazir Bhutto
Nov 29, 2007:
Himes For Congress Releases Web Video On Shays’ Oversight Record
Nov 13, 2007:
Jim Himes Statement on Veterans Day
Oct 31, 2007:
Jim Himes Responds To Shays Comments on Foreclosure Crisis
Oct 10, 2007:
Jim Himes Fundraising Total Tops $600,000 in Congressional Race
Jul 19, 2007:
Jim Himes Statement on Congressman Shays’ Bait and Switch on Timetable for Iraq Withdrawal
Jul 13, 2007:
Jim Himes Statement on Chris Shays’ Vote Today Against the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act

It looks like Mr. Himes webmaster did not get the "press only" memo stating that a Jim Himes press release is not for general public consumption via the internet....

Jul 12, 2007: Jim Himes Calls on Chris Shays to Condemn President Bush’s Commutation of Scooter Libby’s Sentence
Jul 10, 2007:
Jim Himes Raises More Than $350,000 in First Quarter of Congressional Race
May 02, 2007:
Statement by Jim Himes on President Bush’s Veto of Iraq Accountability Act
Apr 19, 2007:
Ejecutivo de Vivienda Asequible Jim Himes Anuncia Su Candidatura al Congreso Contra Chris Shays
Apr 19, 2007:
Affordable Housing Executive Jim Himes Announces Run For Congress Against Chris Shays

Greenwich Roundup will honor the Charles Monaco's request not publish anymore press releases from Jim Himes.

However, we only ask that Himes Campaign not get mad if Chris Shay's starts sending us press releases to Greenwich Roundup.

We have sent three requests over the last couple of months inviting Mr. Shays to send his press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

I guess the Christopher Shay's campaign was also afraid that we would pass along their press releases without any comment or editorializing what-so-ever.

Greenwich Roundup is just like the Greenwich "Home Of The Press Releases" Post we will publish your press release without any editing, if you send your press release to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

We provide this service as a community service designed to help keep Greenwich residents fully informed.

Just because a person or group sends out a press release doesn't mean that the mainstream media will notify the public.




I have just been advised that the problem is not so much with the publishing the press releases, but with the publishing of "Media Advisories" that give out a canidates itenary and media plans.

Aparently, Christopher Shays is up to somekind of dirty tricks and believe it or not he personally disrupted a Jim Himes media event.

Is Chris Shays going off the deep end?

Yesterday he says he is supporting Obama and now today he is causing public disturbances at his oppents campian rallies.


Please send your comments and reports about Christopher Shays odd behavour to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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