Hyper Local News Pages

Monday, August 18, 2008

08/18/08 Her Job Interviews Didn't Work Out, and so... She's baaaack!!!!

Greenwich's own avatar of The Terminator is once more "on the job," according to the local rag, Yellowwich Time.

Aren't we the lucky ones?

She was given a paid two-month leave of absence, ostensibly for health reasons, so that she could start looking for another job. But, alas, her frantic interviews didn’t pan out (is anyone surprised?), and now she’s back in our midst, continuing to make more trouble for us all. How Betty Sternberg can have the effrontery to show up again and continue to collect her obscene paycheck day after day is a total and utter mystery to your scribe. It seems as though some people have absoutely no principles, let alone sense of shame. Lie to the taxpayers, lie to the RTM, lie to the school parents, lie to the hapless students themselves, over and over and over again, watch the test scores of a once-great school system implode, and continue to cash your unutterably, grossly indecent, imcomprehensibly inflated paychecks. Only in Greenwich, dear reader.

And since none of her job search efforts during her “sick leave” have panned out, here she is, back again, suppressing the results of the June 6th Harris poll, and continuing to milk us for all we’re worth. Aren’t you proud, dear readers, to be such lucky taxpayers in this wonderful Town of Greenwich? Never a reality test. Never an accountability hearing. Screw up, screw up, screw up, lie, lie, lie, and spend, spend, spend--that’s the motto of Betty Sternberg and our loverly Board of “Education”.

And so Betty is continuing to bilk us, and milk us, and bill us, day by day by day, with the tacit consent of our so-called Board of “Education”. When, dear readers, do you think we will have been “educated” enough to learn our lesson? Has anyone ever heard of the phrase “taxpayer revolt”?

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