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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

01/15/08 - Women's Luncheon Lecture. Jan. 29

Women's Luncheon Lecture. Jan. 29

Meet life's challenges with help from "Dr. Dale"Boss driving you bananas? Received a scary health prognosis? Trying to get pregnant? Having trouble with your partner? Juggling work and kids? Caring for ill parents? Fantasizing about trading in your daughter-in-law? Feeling too old to get back to the dating game? Need to spice up your sex life?

If any of these life situations strike a chord, or if you have a few of your own that send you on an emotional seesaw, Dale Atkins, PhD, wants you to know this: "You can cope, you can survive, and you can thrive."

On Jan. 29, this well-known relationship expert will introduce you to her five "Sanity SaversÂȘ" - essential elements for a balanced life - and offer practical suggestions for women to restore order, simplicity and happiness in their lives, no matter what comes their way.

"Dr. Dale" is a licensed psychologist with a private practice in New York City and more than 25 years experience in the field. Her specialties include families, couples, parenting, aging well, and managing stress. A prolific author and sought-after speaker and guest expert, she also has appeared on the "Today Show" and "Oprah."

This presentation is co-sponsored by the Greenwich Hospital Women's Health Initiative and the hospital's Women's Resource Center.
Speaker: Dale Atkins, PhD

Tuesday, Jan. 29 12 noon - 2pm Noble Conference Center
FREEBox Lunch available: $10.Registration required.
Please call (203) 863-3863
or email: andreag@greenhosp.org

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