Hyper Local News Pages

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Greenwich Hospital Is Becoming A Tattered Angel On Highly Compensated Frank Corvino's Watch

Greenwich Hospital president; and CEO Frank Corvino, who receives a salary package of $168,493, has allowed the town healthcare institution to slide into debt. Mr. Corvino's compensation has caused some eyebrows to be raised in town, given the Greenwich Hospital's dire financial situation and continued employee cutbacks. Every department at Greenwich Hospital is suffering, because of Mr. Corvino's lack of leadership When a town resident goes to get a "state of the art" CAT Scan in the radiology department of Greenwich Hospital; the poor unfortunate patient is taken to dressing room that is smaller than one found at Macy's. In this bare bones dressing room are four 6 inch wide lockers that can only hold a ladies purse if it is squeezed in sideways as the door is slamed. Once undressed the dear lady of Greenwich is offered an ill fitting and tattered hospital gown with only three of the four sting ties attached. But this problem is solved by the radiologist telling every patient getting a CAT Scan to put on two raggedy gowns. One is attached in the front and one is attached in the back. One lady was overheard saying,"If Greenwich Hospital can no longer afford decent gowns, then they should cut some of the fat from Frank's big fat payday." I guess we had better not tell this lady that Mr. Corvino's Executive VP raked in $791,085 and his Senior VP took home $716,899 as she sits next to a stained carpet. Maybe the ladies of Greenwich society should start bringing their own gowns to Greenwich Hospital's radiation department. The sad truth is that we all know that Mr. Corvino is seeking even more compensation this year; from the Angel of Greenwich that is starting to look tired and tattered around the edges. Greenwich Hospital's solicitation efforts have raised over $140 million from our community in recent years, and yet Mr. Corvino can't afford to buy new gown for ladies getting a CAT scan.


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