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Sunday, October 23, 2011

10/23/11 Kay And John Terzis Letter About The Board of Education Elections

It was indeed sad and disappointing to read the Greenwich time opinion piece (Oct. 21) written by the former PTA Council presidents wherein they appear to be advocates for the former superintendent of schools instead of being ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN which is what the PTA is supposed to be.
Calling any Board member a dissenter simply because they insist that the superintendent fully inform them of any new program he wants to push through before it is fully laid out, such as the IB program, is NOT advocating for the children. As it turns out, the IB program had no support with teachers and parents.
Trying to ram a new idea through is like Nancy Pelosi insisting on passing Obamacare before we can find out what's in it.
What we need on the Board of Education are eight members with the fortitude to insist on being fully informed of new programs before voting. Then we may be able to avoid disasters like open space classrooms.
We strongly recommend voting for Marianna Ponns Cohen in the coming election and hope the rest of the elected Board follows her example.
Kay & John Terzis
15 Revere Road

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