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Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20/11 John Eggert Says Vote For John Blankley First Selectman

Dear Sir or Madam:

We need a first selectman with the power of his convictions, and John Blankley is that man. We have John Blankley to thank for getting the BET Republicans to abandon their plans to kill MISA, and get that overwhelmingly popular building project passed. Blankley made it abundantly clear that if the Republicans sank MISA, he would revive funding for the project as his first priority upon taking office as first selectman. Clearly, it was not Mr. Tesei's pretend "compromise" that got it past the BET Republicans, who had made it abundantly clear that they were going to vote "no," before Blankley issued his challenge.

This week John Blankley did it again, making it clear to the BET that he will make sure that the long-delayed and desperately needed renovations of the town-owned and operated Nathaniel Witherell nursing home will become his priority if the BET Republicans again attempt to cancel that worthy and necessary project. As an aging resident, this kind of investment is truly important to my family.

In addition, John Blankley has made it clear that he will not sit passively by as our school system continues to deteriorate, but will actively engage with the BOE and the public to find remedies and target funding where needed. In contrast, Peter Tesei has been utterly detached from our declining schools during his four years in office, setting simple spending limits, then walking away.

It's time that Greenwich was led by an engaged and active first selectman who knows what's wrong, and has the courage to change it.

Yours truly,

Ed Eggert


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