Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19/11 Greenwich Resident Linda McMahon's Campaign Is Building Support

Dear Greenwich Friends,

It’s been a great first month meeting with hardworking families and small business owners across Connecticut. Momentum is building for our campaign. In fact, just this week, we were able to announce 850 endorsements from folks just like you across the state.

Now, I ask that you help us take the next step.

[fname], will you consider a donation of $ 100, $50 or even $10 to our campaign to get Connecticut working again?

I’m sure you can agree that what we need in Washington now more than ever are job creators. Quite frankly, there are just too few of those in office keeping an eye on what’s best for our nation’s economy.

Like you, I am fed up with the revolving door of professional politicians who are more interested in their next campaign than they are in finding real solutions.

I am a proven job creator. I have created hundreds of jobs right here in Connecticut and I understand that what small businesses need now are fewer taxes, not more; fewer regulations, not more; and less government spending, not more.

I’m writing you today because I believe that you and I can be the difference in what happens next. We cannot continue sending the same politicians to Washington and expect a different result. I am a proven job creator who will fight for Connecticut's hardworking families and small businesses.



Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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