Hyper Local News Pages

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19/11 For Immediate Release - Israeli Advocacy Workshop To Be Held In Greenwich

JCC Greenwich

For Immediate Release

Contact: Laura Blum (203) 552-1818 laurablum@JCCGreenwich.com




Greenwich, CT, October 18, 2011 --
improve how Israel is portrayed in the media, JCC Greenwich in cooperation with CAMERA will offer a special advocacy workshop on Monday, November 14, 10am. Participants will learn how to effectively challenge, counter and correct biased coverage of the Jewish State through such tools as letter-writing and op-eds. The workshop will focus on three main areas, including: advanced writing techniques; how to craft an effective message; and strategies for ensuring publication in local, regional and national media outlets. No prior experience or writing credentials are required to attend.

Titled Israel Advocacy on the Editorial Pages: Letter Writing as Activism, the workshop will be taught by Josh Hasten, public relations expert and CAMERA's 2009 Letter Writer of the Year. Mr. Hasten is president of the Jerusalem-based Bar-Am Public Relations firm. For more than a decade he has defended Israel's right to exist, via letters to the editor, op-eds and television and radio commentary. The founder of LettersforIsrael.com and a freelance journalist who regularly writes for The Jerusalem Post, Israel National News and The Algemeiner News website, Hasten hosts several talk-radio shows, including Israel Hasbara Hour, on www.israelnationalradio.com.

The workshop will take place at Temple Sholom, 300 East Putnam Ave., Greenwich. Admission is free, though registration is required, at JCCGreenwich.org or by calling (203) 552 1818.

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About JCC Greenwich
A 21st-century community resource, JCC Greenwich seeks to enrich the cultural, spiritual and social life of Greenwich with programs of excellence while connecting each of us via technology and ideas. Our JCC is without walls, generating high caliber online content and offline events that bring together the community based on shared interest, in venues all over town. JCC Greenwich welcomes all individuals without regard to race, religion or ability.


Founded in 1982, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America is a media-monitoring, research and membership organization devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East. CAMERA fosters rigorous reporting, while educating news consumers about Middle East issues and the role of the media. Because public opinion ultimately shapes public policy, distorted news coverage that misleads the public can be detrimental to sound policymaking. A non-partisan organization, CAMERA takes no position with regard to American or Israeli political issues or with regard to ultimate solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Josh Hasten


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