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Friday, September 23, 2011

09/23/11 Here We Go Again: Greenwich Board of Education Launches Schools Chief Search - Parents And Teachers Not Welcome On The Search Committee


The Greenwich Board of Education started yet another search for a new superintendent of schools last night by voting to establishing a search committee that fails to represent all of the stakeholders.

The committee is comprised only of school board members and BOE Chairman Steven Anderson.

Why wont the search committee include all of the stakeholders (parents, teachers, etc.)

PTA Council President Lisa Beth Savitz urged the board of education last night to allow parent representatives on the search committee, as is common practice in area districts.

Cathy Delehanty, president of the Greenwich Education Association, the town's teachers' union, said she thought the superintendent search should be similar to principal appointments, with all candidates interviewed by a large committee of stakeholders.

During the last superintendent search, which resulted in the hiring of Sidney Freund parents and teachers were not involved in the interviewing process.

Now Steve Anderson and the other longtime board members are once again making the same mistake that always leads to failure in the Superintendent hiring process.

Sidney Freund left the district a month ago, after shocking the town by announcing his resignation in May, citing friction with some school board members who would not extend his contract the meeting before his hissy fit.

Maybe a board of education that regins over schools that can't pass no child left behind should start including parents and teachers in the search committee.

The futures of Greenwich children is at stake.

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