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Sunday, September 11, 2011

09/11/11 From The Greenwich Post ......

Editorial: September 12th

Few, if any, can forget where they were when they realized 10 years ago today, that the world was changing.

We were under attack. Our friends, our families, our neighbors were the targets. Our city was a war zone.

The Bravest, Finest and Best among us never hedged in their devotion to duty, saving what lives they could. Their actions, and those of bystanders, kept the death toll from rising far higher than its already staggering number.

But too many were gone, far too soon. There was too much pain, too much grief, and the accompanying anger.

The images are burned into the collective conscience. Clouds obscuring lower Manhattan. Gaping voids in the New York skyline. Scars on the command center of our military. A crater in a field in Pennsylvania where heroes stopped cowards who were aiming for another target.

We must never forget that sapphire-skied September day.

As we again mourn the lost and reflect on the heroism, we must not forget another date just as important. We need to remember the America of Sept. 12, 2001.

For on that date we were all Americans. We weren’t Republicans or Democrats. We weren’t separated by race, creed or religion. We were as one, collectively attacked, and united in our resolve that this was our America, and no one was going to change that.

Americans came together. Americans donated blood. Americans collected food. Americans took care of the bereaved. And we were all Americans.

The land of the free and home of the brave survived the latest attempt by those more intolerant than us to destroy it. We showed the world that we will not be splintered... unless we do it to ourselves. And we may be on that track.

On Sept. 12, we focused on what made us closer, not what drove us apart.

As we remember Sept. 11, we need to also remember that we were truly America on Sept. 12.

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