Hyper Local News Pages

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

06/14/11 Delman's Pussy Footing Gets Slammed By The RTM

Despite Evan Delman's Plea To Postpone Police Contract, RTM Approves Contract And Three Other Union Contracts

Evan Delman of the RTM’s Town Services committee said his committee had intended to vote on the contracts, but “was informed that no action was the best action at this time, for reasons I won’t go into.” He then made the motion to postpone the vote on the police contract to September.

That led to outcry from numerous RTM members who felt that the body should proceed with the vote.

Jim Boutelle of District 8, who has been on the RTM for a number of years, said he believes all the parties involved in the contract negotiations “have done their work” carefully on the contracts, and urged his fellow RTM members to follow through with a vote.

“I think for us to postpone this to September, which is basically ducking a vote, is irresponsible on the part of this body,” Boutelle said. “I didn’t get elected to the RTM to dodge votes. I’ve heard RTM members joke during the budget season that the best approach to the budget process should be ‘we need more zeros’ or ‘oh no it’s good the way it is.’ Well, tonight’s your night to vote, one way or the other. If you want to send a message on the budget and you think the contracts are negotiated too high, then have the guts to say so.”

“I feel that when we have a reasonably negotiated contract between our town and our unions, we should vote on it, not duck it,” Boutelle added. “So vote on the four contracts — or in my opinion don’t run for re-election.”

Police Sgt. James Bonney, president of the Silver Shield Association, and also an RTM member from District 4, said the association made many concessions in the negotiations. “We wanted to show you we were willing to help,” he said. “Almost every point the town asked for, we gave on.” At the same time, though, the association wanted the town police department “to stay competitive with the other markets, so we get good officers here,” he said. “We don’t want to have the worst benefits in the area, because then we won’t get good cops. I feel that we gave enough to suit the town, and we gave enough to suit the association. I hope that you will approve this … ”

Joan Caldwell, RTM member District 10, said she was determined to vote, not postpone, because it was the right thing to do on behalf of her constituents.

“I came to the town meeting because I wanted to do something for my town,” she said. “That includes approving and disapproving contracts. I’ve never walked away from one and I’m not going to do that tonight.”

“What does rejecting or postponing this do for us?” she continued. “We have 14 items on the agenda tonight and we already postponed four. And now we’re talking about postponing four more. I don’t think that rejecting or postponing these contracts sends the message that some of us want to send … but for those of you who want to send that message, then let’s send it!”

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