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Friday, April 22, 2011

04/22/11 Good Friday? How about Bad Friday, Black Friday, or Depressing Friday?

If this is the day in which we remember Jesus suffering, bleeding, and dying on the cross, what is so good about it?

The movie, The Passion of the Christ, in many ways, change the way we feel about Christ suffering. The graphic and bloody movie was a stirring portray of Jesus’ last hours. For some, Good Friday induces feelings of guilt, depression, and even remorse. Christians, on this day, truly feel a sense of sadness.

On this day of sadness, we wonder: Where did we get the term “Good Friday? There is no clear answer, but the word “good” and “God” mixed together in the English speaking world.

Make no mistake: We gather on Good Friday not to wallow in guilt, but to announce that sin and guilt have been atoned for, conquered, healed, addressed, dealt with once and for all, in heaven and on earth through the blood of the cross.

Clearly, we cannot hide our emotions, nor should we punish ourselves because of what Christ went through. Christ, who is good, gave up his life willingly and lovingly so that we could have eternal life. There is seriousness on this day, but this decrescendo of light does not mean defeat for Jesus.

This is no funeral for Jesus because he lives! And, lives within us! May this Good Friday truly be good for you and your family. Embrace the good news this Friday: God is good all the time ... even in death.

Today is Good Friday. It represents the gift given to all of us.

Good Friday is the yearly remembrance of the day Jesus was tortured so bad that He didn’t look like a man anymore. He carried the cross on His mangled body from the palace of Pontius Pilate to Golgotha, nailed through the flesh to it, and then died.

Three days later He rose from the dead conquering death, hell and the grave.

Yes, this is a gift. It is the gift of hope.

Doesn’t make much sense, does it? But that is the gift that was given by one to us all.


From Hope all other gifts are possible. And the Hope that Jesus gives is available to all people. No matter who you are or where you are at in life it’s yours for the taking.

You don’t have to change a thing about yourself to receive this gift. Jesus meets you right where you are.

Being born a Jew my beliefs firmly state that all people were created by God, and that evens the playing field of human worth.

They also state that all humanity is responsible for the torture and death of Christ; not just one group of people. Just a couple of chapters after Pilate ordered the torture and crucifixion Jesus states, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 NIV)

This means that if Jesus forgave the Jews and Romans for what he suffered, then no one else has the right to hold it against anybody else.

According to scripture Jesus accepted His burden freely for all human beings. Not just a certain few - and no one forced Him. He is the perfect Lamb sacrificed for our sins; taking the punishment so we wouldn't have to.

But for all it means one thing.


While it is an abstract ideal, one can get a sense of putting their hands around it. Once you grab on to hope life becomes instantly more bearable.

Hope is yours to keep unless you let it go yourself. It is not taxable, wiped from your mind, or stolen without your consent. It’s truly one of the things in this world you really do have control over.

Hope for a better life is essential when looking for the passions within. And I for one believe that God created each of us for a specific purpose, or purposes. Hope is the fuel that gets us there.

Hope comes in many forms. Jesus became Hope and He wants us to do the same for others. Be someone’s Hope. For those broken in heart and mind. Jesus’ words in Matthew 25 express what it means to those who receive that support:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” (Matthew 25: 35-36)

Look beyond the obvious for other things that all humans hunger for.

What about the souls who have brains that don’t function properly? What about people who face such agonizing circumstances that they cannot see past the pain? Put yourself in their shoes:

“…I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…”

What is thirst? Webster’s Dictionary lists craving as one definition of the word.

Is someone you know craving comfort and understanding? Love and acceptance? We all do from time to time. Remember that when you are called upon to put yourself out of your comfort zone for another.

And if the cost seems too much for you just remember that treating others with basic respect and dignity fills many a belly and quenches the greatest of thirst.

And Jesus said,

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40 NIV)

Greenwich Roundup worships at Harvest Time Church, which is just up the road on King Street.

This church is the fastest growing church in the area and has just been approved to build a new 1000 seat sanctuary. Today the church has rented out the 1,500 seat Palace Theater for a Good Friday celebration. Harvest Time Church member Alan Houston and others will be giving thier testimonies as part of this Fun Free Family Event.

Greenwich Roundup is the Chief Beverage Officer at Harvest Time Church and volunteers at the Coffee Bar for all four Church services.

This Saturday, Greenwich Roundup will be taking the coffee bar to the air dome next to the church. We will serving coffee, juice and a huge spread food at an Easter Egg Hunt with 12,000 Eggs.

On Easter Sunday Greenwich Roundup will once again be taking the coffee bar outside, because the coffee bars big screen TV is needed for Easter overflow seating. Greenwich Roundup will be serving Easter Bread from Neri Bakery in Port Chester at Harvest Time Church.

This video sums up Easter and Good Friday pretty well.....

Come see the miracle up on king street ......

Good Friday Worship Celebration!

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Friday, April 22 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Stamford Palace Theater
61 Atlantic Street
Stamford, CT

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Be with us this Good Friday, April 22, for a special worship celebration at the Palace Theater in Stamford, CT!

Bring a friend as we exalt the name of Jesus in a powerful evening featuring:

A hope-filled Gospel message
Testimonies of changed lives
Anointed worship and choir performances
Great ministry for kids

Join us at the Palace for an unforgettable night!

This is a free event, open to the public. No tickets are required.

Doors open at 6:30 pm and the service begins at 7 p.m.

For directions, visit:

Here Is Information On The Saturday Easter Egg Hunt Up At Harvest Time Church Up On King Street .......

Community Easter Egg Hunt

You are Attending · Share · Public Event

Saturday, April 23 · 10:00am - 12:00pm

Harvest Time Church
1338 King Street
Greenwich, CT

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We’re having an eggs-iting, eggs-travaganza of eggs-treme fun!

Come enjoy crafts, face painting, balloon animals, egg decorating, refreshments and more.

And, of course, there will be an awesome “hunt” for 12,000 eggs!

Bring your friends…

See you there!

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to RyeBrookRoundup@gmail.com

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