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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Defense reveals strategy after moving for mistrial

This just In To The Greenwich Roundup Newsroom
Greenwich News - December 4, 2010
In this March 2008 file photo, Leonard Trujillo, of Worcester, Mass., is led from Greenwich police headquarters by Greenwich detectives to be arraigned for the April 2006 murder of Greenwich resident Andrew Kissel.
The Connecticut Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth's Private Equity Expo was a can't-miss affair for Kevin Ruppelt and David Brault , operators of Eemax, a tankless electric water heater company in Oxford.
Broadway star Dan Micciche, who grew up in Darien, will be performing at the Heights & Lights holiday celebration in downtown Stamford, at 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Dec.
Jan Sopko of Stamford was runner-up to Gerry Sullivan of Bronxville, N.Y. in the recent Beachfront Bushwhack 5-mile cross country race at Tod's Point.
A diner enjoys a hamburger at Burger, Shakes & Fries in Darien, Conn. on Thursday, Dec.
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