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Thursday, December 9, 2010



Due to considerable public outcry, the Smithsonian Institution recently pulled a video that portrayed large ants crawling all over Jesus on the Cross.

Why is it that we rarely if ever hear the term Anti-Christian and if we do, why does it not have quite the same punch as such terms as Racist or Anti-Semitic. Why, in a country that is fast becoming "Politically Correct," one that claims to respect "diverse" cultures and religions; are Christians being ridiculed, mocked, and rendered with contempt? Why are Christians fair game, for the venting of pent-up emotions coming from malevolent people?

Why are some people in our society so thin-skinned when it comes to other religions and cultures but thick skinned and calloused when portraying Christianity in a negative light? Is this manifestation of contempt for Christianity out of ignorance or is it purposeful? Is it because Christians will turn the other cheek, while other religions would retaliate by imposing economic repercussions or even violence?

First they want us to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas;" so as "not to offend people." Recently some businesses declared they are no longer going to display Christmas trees on their property because some people are offended. I would like to know WHO are these people we're trying not to offend?

It's my understanding that Christians make up approximately 86% of the US population. Though we're not a Christian nation in a formal sense; we are a nation made up predominantly of Christians. From a pragmatic point of view, strictly from a business perspective, it would seem logical not to want to offend and turn away approximately 86% of your potential customers, rather than succumb to the intolerant, and perhaps bigoted, anti-Christians.

The "Happy Holiday" movement meant to displace and diminish Christianity created a backlash from many people. A boycott ensued, as one cannot purchase Christmas presents in a store that does not sell "CHRISTMAS" presents.

The national Endowment For The Arts is subsidized by tax payer dollars; much of it Christian tax payer dollars. Why are we paying taxes to support art that is blatantly offensive to Christians? Photos and displays of such blasphemies as "Piss Christ" a photo of a crucifix in a beacon of urine, and a painting of Mary with elephant dung; are obviously meant to offend.

I ask Christians and non-Christians alike, those who are offended by the misuse of our tax dollars, especially now when money is so precious, to complain to their legislators about the purposeful indiscretion exercised by the NEA in allowing deliberately offensive material to come forward and be displayed.

Nick Fortune

Greenwich, CT

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