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Monday, September 20, 2010

09/20/10 Greenwich's Jim Himes Asks,"Will You Support Me In Continuing To Move America Forward?"


Dear Friends,

I wanted to follow up on an email you may have received from President Obama last week. Thursday, the President reached out to many of you and asked that you join my campaign to help continue the progress we have made over the last 20 months. I couldn't be more honored and appreciative of his note or more proud of the work we have done together to move our country forward.

If you haven't signed up yet,
now is the time to volunteer. We are 45 days away from the election. I can't continue this work without your help to send me back to Congress on November 2nd.

When the President and I took office in early 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. I have been proud to partner with the President on policies to prevent immediate economic disaster and to lay the foundation for reforming the fundamental systems most hurting our long-term economic stability.

As a result, over the past eight months, we've added three quarters of a million private sector jobs and the stimulus has saved or created around 3,000,000 jobs. We have written new rules to reduce the risk on Wall Street, passed comprehensive health care reform 100 years in the making, and enacted job-creating legislation that has saved or created over 3 million jobs.

While we are nowhere near a full recovery, progress has been made. Just listen to what Susan Giordano of Alternative Global Energy, has to say about how the stimulus has helped to put people back to work by creating green jobs.

Susan Giordano of Alternative Global Enery

This is notable progress, but I still hear from people who are having trouble finding work and families struggling to keep their homes. There is much more to be done, and unless I get the help from all of you who were so generous with your time in 2008, we could see Congress get handed back to people who created this economic mess.

The choice we face on November 2nd is clear
: continue to the move the economy forward or allow Dan Debicella and the Republicans to take us back to the failed policies of the Bush administration that caused the worst economic down-turn since the Great Depression.

We must continue to pass policies that bolster both private and public sector job creation, and to stay focused on policies that support long term as well as short term economic improvements.

I need your help to achieve this. With less than 50 days left until the election, now is the time to knock doors, make calls, and encourage your friends
and neighbors to come out and vote on November 2
nd. Your help is critical to getting our message out.

We have an important fundraising deadline that is quickly approaching. By the end of September I need to raise $50,000 in online donations. I have $34,500 more to go, will you help me meet my goal?
To donate, click here.

In celebration of the fundraising deadline we're hosting an event on the water in Black Rock. I hope you'll join me for great food, great friends, and great conversation.
RSVP here today.

Finally, our yard signs are here! Stop by our offices in
Bridgeport, Norwalk or Stamford to pick one up-and hopefully stay to volunteer!

Thank you for your support. I hope you'll either continue your work or
join our effort to inform voters of the choice we face this fall.



Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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