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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

08/31/10 Dan Debicella: My statement on President Obama's address to the nation

E-Updates from the Dan Debicella for Congress Campaign August 31st, 2010
Debicella for Congress

My statement on President Obama's address to the nation

Dear friends,

This evening I issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s televised address to the nation:

"President Obama’s withdrawal of troops from Iraq is appropriate and we are all thankful to have our troops home. While we celebrate the end of our combat mission in Iraq, we cannot ignore the failure of economic policy at home. Jim Himes' rubber-stamping of the failed Obama economic policies continue to hurt American families with no end in sight."

"With unemployment hovering at 10% in Fairfield County, the economic policies out of Washington have been a failure. Despite Jim Himes’ efforts to convince us otherwise, the pork-barrel, big-spending stimulus package has failed to create sustainable jobs. He voted for a record $1.4 trillion deficit. Now Himes is supporting a massive tax increase on January 1st, resulting in almost $3,000 in new taxes for the average Fairfield County family."

"But just like Fairfield County families, I know there is a better way. My proposed payroll tax cut, federal spending cap, and plans to hold taxes steady come January are in stark contrast to the Himes big-government agenda. We celebrate the removal of combat troops in Iraq, but our families at home need new leadership on the economy."

It’s time to restore our economy. It’s time to put America back to work. It’s time to end Jim Himes’s failed economic policies. In November, we will present Fairfield County voters with that opportunity.

Thank you for your continued support as we move on to November.

All my best,

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Debicella For Congress, Ginny Harger, Treasurer

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1 comment:

  1. What an insincere email. Debicella skims over a major achievement - the withdrawal of our committed men and women in Iraq - to attack Jim. It's as if he used this major achievement as an excuse to make a political attack instead of giving these soldier and their departure from Iraq the attention it deserves.


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