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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

08/04/10 The Raw Ned Lamont News Feed: Top Story Greenwich Roundup Poll Says Ned Lamont's Lead Over Dan Malloy Has Vanished.

NEW POLL: Greenwich Resident Ned Lamont's Has No Local Lead Over Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy In The Upcoming Democratic Primary On Tuesday

Since Monday Greenwich Roundup has informally interviewed 22 Greenwich Democrats and was shocked to learn that only 3 said that they were voting for Ned Lamont.

Nine Greenwich Democrats seemed unaware that that the Democratic primary was to be held in just six days.

Of the 22 Greenwich Democrats interviewed only six said that they were voting in the primary and all of these Democrats said they are voting for Stamford resident Dan Malloy.

Greenwich Roundup did not find any Greenwich Democrats who were unsure or sitting on the fence when it came to Ned Lamont or Dan Malloy.

The Greenwich Roundup poll has found that Greenwich Democratic voters are strongly committed to sticking with the party nominee.

It appears that Ned Lamont's only hope of squeaking out a win is in other more liberal metropolitan areas like Bridgeport, New Haven and Hartford.

Even though the the Greenwich Roundup poll probably has error margin of plus or minus 98% due to it's small size.

However this reporter / slash pollster was shocked that there was virtually no support for Ned Lamont in his own hometown of Greenwich.

The front runner in previous polls was Greenwich businessman, Ned Lamont who has a largely self-funding his campaign. Mr. Lamont has promised to use his business experience to fix
Connecticut's stagnant economy and a projected deficit next year of $3.4 billion.

Dan Malloy who is a Stamford resident and an experienced elected official, is casting himself as ready to the do the job.

Dan Malloy was mayor of Stamford for 14 years and just received $2.5 million in public financing and has used that money to quickly close in on and possibly overtake the wealthy Ned Lamont.

Ned Lamont is probably anticipating that a new
Quinnipiac University poll being made public Thursday will disclose what he has most likely been seeing in private polling

Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy is coming on fast and hard in the last days of this
primary election.

This has happened before. Ned Lamont spent $17 Million on his Senate campaign against
Joseph Lieberman only to come out a loser in 2006.

The big question now is....

Will History repeat itself?

Political insiders are saying that Ned Lamont has probably spent 7 to 9 Million an a primary election that he just may lose in six days.

Maybe Ned Lamont still has a chance.

In the the final gubernatorial primary poll in 2006, when Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy was running against New Haven Mayor John DeStefano, Dan Malloy was down by 7 percentage points and then days later, Dan Malloy lost by 1.5 percentage points.

It looks like we will know if Ned Lamont wasted another 9 Million bucks on Tuesday night.

All told is looks like Ned Lamont will have spent well over 25 Million on two self funded Connecticut political campaigns.

That is an awful lot of money could have been used to feed a lot of hungry children or provided educational opportunities to the disadvantaged.

Anyway, Here Is The Latest News About Greenwich Newsmaker Ned Lamont ....

Malloy, the Longest-Serving Stamford Mayor, In Close Race with Ned Lamont
Hartford Courant
Malloy and his opponent, Greenwich cable TV entrepreneur Ned Lamont, have been locked in a particularly nasty battle with television commercials filled with ...
Maybe the Race Goes to Those Not Running
New York Times
It's going to be
Ned Lamont saying Dan Malloy is a liar, or Malloy saying Lamont is a liar, or Michael Fedele saying Tom Foley is a liar. ...
Lamont to answer questions from Connecticut families tonight
Tonight, August 5, businessman and Democratic candidate for governor
Ned Lamont will hold a Town Forum in West Hartford, and a Telephone Town Hall with ...
LETTER: State Rep. Sharkey supports Lamont/Glassman in Democratic primary
My answer has been consistent — I
'm supporting Ned Lamont and Mary Glassman. When I'm asked why, I explain that it's primarily because of Mary Glassman. ...
Lamont and Malloy keep mellow tone during debate
By Ted Mann Rocky Hill -
Just days ago, Dan Malloy was taunting fellow Democrat Ned Lamont for ducking out of a gubernatorial debate in New London. ...
See all stories on this topic »

More News About The Lamont / Malloy Campaign Battle:
Did Malloy abuse his city car or has Lamont been driven to ...
By Brian Lockhart
This week Democrat
Ned Lamont's campaign is tossing out another issue it hopes will steer primary voters away from backing Malloy at the polls Tuesday – Malloy's alleged abuse in 2009 of his city vehicle during his final year as mayor ...
Political Capitol - http://blog.ctnews.com/politicalcapitol/
Letter 2 America for August 4, 2010: Addendum - letters2america
By Michael Wolf
That caused me to look at the other PBS stations in Connecticut, and sure enough, on the third one I found
Ned Lamont debating Dan Malloy, which I had no idea was occurring. The catalog of my errors stunned me, though they shouldn't ...
letters2america - http://letters2america.com/
My Left Nutmeg:: The Nightmare Scenario
By Russell's 10
I am assuming Ned Lamont is still leading, but I haven't seen any valid polls lately, so I have a hard time assessing changes in the race as the election approaches. Dan Malloy could very well pull out a late rally win. And if he does, ...
My Left Nutmeg - Front Page - http://www.myleftnutmeg.com/
What Makes Lamont and Malloy Mad ...
By Rick Green
Categories: Connecticut Politics,; Dan Malloy,;
Ned Lamont....
News blogs feed - http://blogs.courant.com/news_blogs_feed/
Controlling Campaign Brands in New Media | White House ...
By John Lichman
At least that's the consensus of the New York Times piece portraying Thomas C. Foley (R) and
Ned Lamont (D) as simple folk eating in diners with children instead of being Harvard educated or whose net worth is more money than the ...
White House Correspondents Weekend... - http://www.whitehousecorrespondentsweekendinsider.com/
Oscar's Chat - WestportNow.com - Westport, Connecticut's 24-hours ...
By editor@westportnow.com
Malloy later told a small crowd outside that despite being heavily outspent by challenger Ned Lamont, he is confident of a primary victory. ( ...
WestportNow - http://www.westportnow.com/index.php/v2/comments/

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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