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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

07/28/10 After Greenwich Roundup Reported On How Dan Malloy Was Desperately Playing The Race Card In The Democratic Primary Emails Like This Came In

Scars of a whipped slave (April 2, 1863, Baton...Image via Wikipedia

Great Job Dan

Keep Up The Good Work

READER SUBMITTED COMMENTS: Reverse Racism is hijacking our culture and our heritage

The Two Wrongs Make a Right Thesis goes like this: Because some Whites once enslaved some Blacks, the decedents of those slaves, some of whom may now enjoy high incomes and social status, have a right to opportunities and offices over better qualified Whites who had nothing to do with either slavery or the oppression of Blacks, and who may even have suffered hardship comparable to that of poor Blacks. In addition, Strong Affirmative Action creates a new Hierarchy of the Oppressed: Blacks get primary preferential treatment, women second, Native Americans third, Hispanics fourth, Handicapped fifth, and Asians sixth and so on until White males, no matter how needy or well qualified, must accept the left-overs. Naturally, combinations of oppressed classes (e.g., a one eyed, Black Hispanic female) trump all single classifications. The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment becomes reinterpreted as "Equal protection for all equals, but some equals are more equal than others."



1 comment:

  1. Affirmative action most assuredly leads to the hiring of unqualified individuals despite the opinions of this writer. This is not conjecture, but fact and supported by the enforcement actions of regulators and the adopted company polices that I have witnessed during my career as an airline pilot. It is naive to believe that statutes that incorporate quotas will not result in meritless hiring and promotions. The unintended consequence of this liberal attempt at panacea is the furtherance of racial tensions as deserving individuals are cast aside by this convoluted and quite wasteful ploy to “transform” reality. Lets adopt MLK’s reasoned philosophy on equality based on individual merit and merit alone.


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