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Sunday, June 6, 2010

06/06/10 Jeff Aronson Says Greenwich Time Article Is A Joke

It's funny time in Greenwich

Today's Greenwich Time has a special section on "racism" in Greenwich. While racism is not a laughing matter, it is hard to read the article without chucking in amazement at the omissions of the authors.

First, how does one write an article on racism today without clearly pointing out the race baiting coming from the White House with regard to the Arizona immigration law. That law prohibits racial profiling and only allows the Arizona police to ask for immigration papers if someone has otherwise been validly stopped. That means no requests for papers unless someone is getting a ticket (Imagine the disgrace of being asked for your drivers license when stopped for speeding -- racism for sure); stopped in the commission of a crime or otherwise arrested. Remember, the feds can ask anyone at anytime for their picture ID while the state police require a valid stop. No one claims the federal law is racist. Nevertheless, Obama and the Obamacrats tell all the gullible people that Arizona's law is racist. That is race baiting pure and simple. they are trying to stir up hatred in the Hispanic community. It sucks!

Second, how does one write a story on supposed racism in Greenwich, but fail to cover a story like Helen Thomas. The Greenwich time is one of the 15 Hearst Newspapers. Helen Thomas is the Hearst correspondent in Washington. So Helen Thomas is the Washington correspondent for the Greenwich Time. Thomas a few days ago advocated expelling all Jews from Israel and sending them back to Germany and Poland where they belong. (Of course, very few of the Jews in Israel came from Germany or Poland, but that does not matter to Thomas. She is another one of the "don't bother me with facts" crowd.) Thomas is just another anti-semite. But she is the Washington correspondent of a paper that is lecturing on racism but not mentioning old Helen.

Can it really be that the Greenwich Time is unaware of Helen's statements of the race baiting emanating from Obama's administration? No. The truth is that Obama's race baiting and Thomas' anti semitism are embarassing and inconvenient for the Time. They do not fit into the narrative of right wing racism that the newspaper wants to portray. So, since these are inconvenient truths (sorry Al), they get ignored.

More On Racism In Greenwich

Town worker charges racial discrimination

A parks and recreation employee says the town of Greenwich and his own union have discriminated against him because he is black.

Ronald Harding, 52, filed a complaint with the state's Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities stating that his repeated attempts to join the town's higher-paying, eight-person tree division have been stymied.

His Bridgeport-based lawyer Leon Rosenblatt, who has been involved with four race-related discrimination cases involving town employees in the last 15 years, said there is a pattern of behavior in the town's treatment of its employees.

"Greenwich is the most racist town I have seen," he said Monday. "We refer to it here in the office as `Greenwich, Miss.,' but we decided not to keep doing it because it is giving Mississippi a bad name."

Town attorney John Wayne Fox would not comment on the complaint, saying he hasn't seen it yet.

Rosenblatt said this CHRO complaint was filed partly because of a November deal reached between Teamsters Local 456 and the town in which the union agreed to a deal to outsource the work of tree climbers. The complaint said it was a deal struck to prevent Harding from getting a tree climber position.

Harding, a town employee since 1991 who was born and raised in Greenwich, declined to comment Monday.

Named as defendants in the human rights complaint in addition to the town are Parks and Recreation Director Joseph Siciliano, town's Labor Relations Director Alfred Cava, Human Resources Assistant Director Mary Jo Iannuccilli and Harding's union, Teamsters & Chauffeurs Local 456.

More On Racism In Greenwich











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1 comment:

  1. This is the question & response I heard in a conversation - from Dennis; Lamont, do you think they are racist against Mexicans or are they concerned about all illegal immigrants?

    To which the reply was from Lamont; Dennis, it seems that way because it's the Mexican border therefore it's mainly 'Mexicans'. If it were up North would people say we're racist against Canadians? We just want immigrants to follow the rules of the Country they so badly want to be a part of.

    I must say; I agree. Abide by the rules and take the proper steps and you too can be an American Citizen - in due time.


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