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Friday, May 21, 2010

05/21/10 Dan Debicella Wins Congressional Nomination Handily - Now He Sets Sites On Greenwich Resident Jim Himes

Dan Debicella Staves off Republican Primary, Sets Sites on Jim Himes

Dan Debicella of Shelton is now the Republican nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives in Connecticut’s Fourth Congressional District, which is currently represented by Democratic Congressman Jim Himes. Debicella won the Republican convention, which took place Friday, May 21st, with 77% percent of the vote, far surpassing all others seeking the nomination. No other candidate qualified for a primary.

In accepting the nomination, Debicella said, “Now is the time to chart a new course for America. It is time for a better way. We will restore fiscal responsibility to Washington. We will strengthen homeland security. We will get out of the way of entrepreneurs and small business owners and restore the principles of small government, free enterprise, and individual liberty that have made our country great. We will get the job done so that our children are afforded the same opportunity to live the American dream that we all enjoy.”

Debicella was nominated by John McKinney, Repubican leader of the State Senate (R-Fairfield), whose late father, Stewart McKinney represented the 4th District in Congress from 1971 until his death in 1987. Senator McKinney said, “Dan is unquestionably the right person to represent the 4th District in Congress during these challenging times. What I admire most about Dan is his willingness to stand on principle and philosophy and fight for what he believes in. Dan is the kind of principled, independent leader the 4th District has become accustomed to, and is in desperate need of once again.”

Debicella, a second-term Republican State Senator representing the eastern part of Fairfield County, including Shelton, Stratford, Monroe, and Seymour, also outlined his reasons for opposing Himes. “Jim Himes is a rubber-stamp for Nancy Pelosi’s agenda and Fairfield County families have suffered because of it. He has voted lock-step with her over 95% of the time. Despite his desperate claims to the contrary, Jim Himes is no moderate. He is not independent. Whether voting for the $1.4 trillion dollar deficit, the originally proposed government-takeover of healthcare, or over $5 billion in new taxes on Fairfield County residents, Jim Himes has consistently voted with his party’s leadership and against middle class Fairfield County families.”

He grew up in Bridgeport where his father was a police officer and his mother was a secretary. He was the first in his family to go to college full time, attending the Wharton School and receiving his MBA from Harvard Business School. He has spent most of his career in business, having worked for management consulting firm McKinsey in Stamford, as Director of Strategy at PepsiCo in Purchase, NY, and currently as Assistant Vice President of Marketing at The Hartford Financial Services.

In the State Senate, Debicella has served as the lead Republican on the budget-writing Appropriations Committee. He recently co-authored a budget proposal that cut the size of Connecticut government by 5% through combining or eliminating agencies, privatizing social services, and resetting program spending to 2007 levels. Debicella also led the fight against the budget that ultimately passed, which raised taxes by $1 billion and borrowed $1 billion to balance the budget.

“Dan’s record in Hartford shows the type of Congressman he will be in Washington—one who brings real solutions to shrink the size of government and help small businesses create jobs,” said Senator McKinney.

Debicella’s economic proposals have included replacing the unspent stimulus money in favor of a temporary cut in the payroll tax that small businesses and middle class families pay, and creating a federal spending cap to rein in the nation’s $1.4 trillion deficit. “We need to stop growing government, and start helping the small businesses that will lead us out of this recession,” said Debicella. Debicella added that most families have not received anything directly from the federal stimulus package, while his tax cut would give $1,500 directly to middle class families and reduce the deficit. He has also proposed a federal spending cap, to eliminate the deficit by forcing politicians to lower spending and prioritize programs.

The Fourth Congressional District comprises most of Fairfield County, including seventeen towns from Greenwich in the west, to Shelton in the east, and Ridgefield in the north. The seat was held by Congressman Christopher Shays from 1987-2009.

Dan Debicella's Republican
Convention Acceptance Speech:

Thank you all! And thank you to John McKinney and Rob Russo for your wonderful nominating speeches.

Thirty years ago, a strong fiscal conservative was elected President in the face of economic recession, threats from abroad, and uncertainty at home. He brought back to Washington the values that made this country great—common sense values about government living within its means, support for small business and free enterprise, and an undying belief in the value of individual liberty. Like Ronald Reagan 30 years ago, today we American face those same challenges again. The “Great Recession” is threatening middle class jobs in Fairfield County, we are building inconceivable levels of debt for future generations, and terrorism threatens the safety of our families.

The Party of Reagan, our party, needs to rise to face these challenges once again. Democrats in Washington have shown us their answers—increased government interference in our economy, increased government interference with healthcare, and increased spending on pork-barrel projects. We Republicans need to once again become the party of ideas, the party that brings common-sense solutions to Fairfield County families that will actually improve their quality of life.

As I look at this room, I see Republican leaders—mayors, first selectmen, legislators, and local elected officials— who have worked so hard to advance our party’s common sense commitment to fiscal conservatism and personal responsibility. I am reminded that the fourth congressional district was represented by Republican statesman for 40 years from 1969-2009. John McKinney’s father, Stewart McKinney held the seat for 16 of those years. Chris Shays, who is with us here tonight, represented us with honor, patriotism, and a fierce independent streak that served our families well. Thank you Chris.

Unfortunately, we have had Nancy Pelosi representing us in the seat for the last two years. Together, we can change this in November.

I am running for Congress because I know that we can get America on the right track again. I know that there is a better way for our nation—one that will create jobs, reduce our deficit, and improve the quality of life for families.

Family, after all, is the foundation of our country, and I would not here without mine. I would like to introduce to you two very special women in my life. First, my wife Alex, who is smarter, funnier, and more beautiful than I deserve. There is no one I would rather be making this journey through life with then you. I want you all to meet my mom, Maggie. Together with my father Cal (who is no longer with us), they raised a family of four kids as a two-career couple. I stand here today because of the values they gave me and the love they provided. Mom, thank you.

My family has been lucky enough to live the American Dream—a dream that is now being threatened by Washington. My family came through Ellis Island in the 1890’s, and every generation has built on the one that came before it. My father was a cop in Bridgeport. My mom is a secretary in the judicial system. I was the first person in my family to attend college full-time. My brothers and sisters did the same. I have led a successful business career, while living a meaningful life of public service. Only in America could a working-class kid growing up in Bridgeport and Shelton end up standing before you today running for Congress.

But today that American Dream is threatened by Washington.
For the first time in history, our youngest generation of Americans may be worse off tomorrow than we are today. Instead of the promise of a bright future, what are we leaving to them? Backbreaking debt, gut wrenching joblessness and shrinking opportunity.

This is the legacy that Jim Himes and Nancy Pelosi are creating for America.
Jim Himes is a rubber-stamp for Nancy Pelosi’s agenda and Fairfield County families have suffered because of it. He has voted lock-step with her over 95% of the time. Despite his desperate claims to the contrary, Jim Himes is no moderate. He is not independent. In fact, he is a true liberal believer. He truly believes that government is the answer to all our problems. Whether voting for the $1.4 trillion dollar deficit, the originally proposed government-takeover of healthcare, or over $5 billion in new taxes on Fairfield County residents, Jim Himes has consistently voted with his party’s leadership and against middle class Fairfield County families.

But it does not need to be this way, and it is not too late to set America in the right direction again. There is a better way, and that is what this campaign is going to be about: a fundamental choice about the direction of our nation.

If you believe that Nancy Pelosi and Washington are getting it right, then Jim Himes is your man. But if you believe as I do that there is a better way to help the middle class by creating jobs, cutting spending, implementing true healthcare reform, and defending our families from those who wish to harm us—then it is time to return a true independent voice to Washington.

There is a better way to grow our economy. Whether taking over the auto industry, supporting the pork-barrel stimulus, or bailing out his ex-employers at Goldman Sachs, Jim Himes’ plans have failed to create jobs at every turn. Unemployment still sits at 10% and Jim Himes’ solution has burdened every Fairfield County family with $10,000 in additional debt.

Instead, I propose we repeal what is yet unspent of the bloated stimulus package, and replace it with a payroll tax cut. My tax cut would give every middle class family $1,500, give every small business a chance to create jobs, and still reduce the deficit by $150 billion. Helping out middle class families and small businesses will do more to create jobs than pork-barrel government spending ever could.

There is a better way to reduce government spending to eliminate our federal deficit. To be fair, Republicans need to be honest with ourselves on this issue. After all, when Republicans were in the majority earlier this decade we spent too much and cut too little. That is why I believe we need a federal spending cap to force politicians of both parties to cut spending. By capping the size of government at 20% of GDP, we will force politicians to prioritize spending by reforming entitlement programs, being smarter about defense spending, and reducing discretionary spending.

And there is a better way to reform healthcare. Who can forget Jim Himes’ blind embrace for the “public option” that would have resulted in a government take-over of healthcare. He rubber-stamped a new healthcare law that will hurt the 94% of us with insurance to cover the 6% without. We need to focus instead on reducing costs in healthcare, so we can help the middle class and cover the uninsured—not pit them against each other. Ideas like tort reform, interstate competition between insurance companies, incentives for preventative medicine, and low-cost, high deductible plans for young people can lower healthcare costs by 10-20%-- helping every family in Fairfield County and giving us the ability to cover the uninsured without hurting the middle class.

And, there is a better way to keep America safe. Jim Himes has supported civilian trials in New York for the 9/11 terrorists, has failed to support Israel’s right to self defense, and has taken a soft-line approach on nuclear weapons in Iran. We need a Congressman who knows that a hard-line stance against terrorists and enemies of our nation is the only answer. We need a Congressman committed to putting your family’s safety above the civil rights of terrorists.

Just as Ronald Reagan did 30 years ago, now is the time to chart a new course for America. It is time for a better way. We will restore fiscal responsibility to Washington. We will strengthen homeland security. We will get out of the way of entrepreneurs and small business owners and restore the principles of small government, free enterprise, and individual liberty that have made our country great. We will get the job done so that our children are afforded the same opportunity to live the American dream that we all enjoy.

We know there is a better way. The people of Fairfield County know there is a better way. This November we will return a congressman to Washington who speaks for our families, not Washington insiders.

I am proud of our Republican party. I am proud of our great nation. And today I am proud to accept your nomination to face Jim Himes this November and return the values of Ronald Reagan to Washington!

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

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