Hyper Local News Pages

Monday, April 19, 2010

04/19/10 Greenwich Time Readers Are Always The Last To Know About Important Town Issues - Greenwich Roundup Readers Knew About This Lawsuit Last Month

Photo: Barry Montgomery stands near the train tracks on the site of the former Cos Cob power plant. Montgomery has launched a lawsuit against the town on its plans to proceed to put a park on the site.
Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Finaly Wakes Up From His Self Induced Coma And Send Out Greenwich Time Reporter Frank "Better Late Than Never" MacEachern

The Clock Is Ticking On The Town Of Greenwich, Which Has Just A little Over A month To Answer The Cos Cob Power Plant Lawsuit

Frank MacEachern, Staff Writer
Published Online: 02:43 p.m., Monday, April 19, 2010

A town man is hoping to pull the plug on a plan to turn the site of the former Cos Cob power plant into a sports and recreation area.

Barry Montgomery has filed a lawsuit in state Superior Court in Stamford seeking to overturn last month's Planning and Zoning Commission approval of turning the approximately 9.7-acre site into a park.

"I want to stop this. This is too dangerous for kids here,"...

.....Amy Siebert, commissioner of Public Works, doesn't know if the lawsuit will delay plans to develop the park.

"I don't know what this will do; it's a bit of an unknown," said Siebert, whose department prepared the planned park's site plan and is the lead town agency in the project. Siebert said she could not comment further due to the lawsuit.

However, town lawyer John Wayne Fox is confident that the next step in the plan -- remediating the site -- can proceed even with the lawsuit.....

....Montgomery, whose brother Dean, a Greenwich-based lawyer, helped file the lawsuit, also dislikes the design of the water's edge on Cos Cob Harbor, where a retaining wall, or "seawall," is planned. The seawall would be too steep and would not offer enough protection for children who could fall into the water, he said.

Public works officials have said the seawall, which would act as a support since much of the site is composed of fly ash that settled in over the decades....

First Selectman Peter Tesei Says The Cos Cob Power Plant Is Not Safe

To House Families, But It Is Save For Children To Play On

In 1989, the town bought the site from the state for $1. In return, the state required the town to build 24 affordable-housing units on the site. However, in 1997, the two sides agreed the location wasn't suitable for affordable housing because of the contamination from toxins and the proximity of the abutting Metro-North Railroad.

The town and the state haven't settled the issue of where the units will go.


Chairman Steve Walko Can't Find Money

For A High School Auditorium,

But He Can Find 10 Million Bucks To Build

A Soccer Field On Top Of A Hazardous Waste Dump

$4.9 million has been approved for this brown field site remediation to ensure coal-burning by-product doesn't pose a health risk,

That work is planned to be done this year, but no bids have been put out yet.

Another $5.5 million will be needed to complete the park, including installing parking, a soccer field and a walking route.

One Again The Greenwich Republican Party

Is Getting The Town Involved In Another

Expensive Lawsuit So That Insiders Can Cash In

Town Attorney John Wayne Fox Has

To Respond To The Lawsuit By May 25

John Wayne Fox is telling town leaders that the next step in the plan -- the 10 Million dollar brown field remediation -- can proceed even with this lawsuit.

Meanwhile, Greenwich High School Musicians Are Singing The Blues

About The Fraud Waste And Abuse At Town Hall

You Wont Read This At The Greenwich Time:

Greenwich Real Estate Developer And Broker Barry Montgomery Has Given Notice That He Is Filing A Lawsuit Against The "Killing Field" Known As The Cos Power Plant.

Mr. Montgomery calls the Cos Cob Power Plant a !0 Million Dollar Boondoggle and says the proposed park is dangerous for children a pregnant soccer moms, because of the high tension power lines over head that are giving off emf radiation.

Greenwich mothers who are against cell towers, being next to schools and playgrounds would be shocked to learn that two cell towers are located next to the proposed Cos Cob Power Plant soccer field.

Mr. Montgomery also notes that children could fall off of the unprotected vertical sea wall that will border the Cos Cob Power Plant Park.

Greenwich First Selectman Peter Tesei has received copies of this Cos Cob Power Plant lawsuit.

Interested Greenwich Residents can reach Barry Montgomery at:

(203) 622-1781 Office
(203) 518-2918 Cell

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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