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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

04/06/10 Who Is The Cowardly Anonymous Guy That's Been Attacking Investigative Journalist Teri Buhl? Maybe It's Charlie Gasparino. He's Bitched Before

What A Gas Bag: An Annoying Troll Named Anonymous Was Attacking Investigative Journalist Teri Buhl At 3;44, 3:50 And 3:55

Judge Jed Up SEC's Ass Again « Dealbreaker: A Wall Street Tabloid ...
By Zachery Kouwe

These days, Judge Jed Rakoff’s name creates about as much agita inside the SEC as as Bernie Madoff. If Wall Street’s cops on the beat didn’t have enough to deal with already, now Judge Jed is up their ass about a seemingly meaningless legal settlement in the Galleon insider trading case....

Posted by Anonymous April 6, 2010 at 3:44 PM
@5 yeah at least he’s not TeriBuhl

Posted by anon April 6, 2010 at 3:50 PM

Oh fuck Teri Buhl…her last name is an onomatopoeia for regurgitation which is what I did when having to endure her writing. 11.

Posted by Anonymous April 6, 2010 at 3:55 PM. Hey!! Do you guys see what's going on with the "Teri Buhl" ...
Dealbreaker - http://dealbreaker.com/


During A Time Of War, While Brave Young Men And Women

The Shed Their Blood In Lonely Far Of Lands

Clueless Unpatriotic Clowns Like Charlie Gasparino

Make A Joke Of Freedom Of The Press.

My 25 Year Old Son, Who Is A Sargent In The United States Army,

Recently Returned Form Iraq And Survived Three IED Attacks

Protecting The Free Speech Rights Of All Americans.

He Did Not Volunteered To Put Himself In Harms Way

So That Fox News Reporter Charlie Gasparino And

Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Could

Do This To Teri Buhl.

In A Time Of War The Last Thing This Country Needs Is Censorship


Did Charlie Gasparino get Teri Buhl fired? Analysis & Opinion ...
Felix Salmon

It’s well known that Charlie Gasparino likes getting into mini-feuds with reporters who write about him, myself included......

It’s part of what makes him Charlie, and he’s welcome to call me a twerpy nutjob as much as he likes. But he and former Trader Monthly publisher Randall Lane now seem to have gone far beyond name-calling on blogs: it looks as though they have gone so far as to get a full-time reporter fired from her job, in retaliation for her writing about them.

What’s worse, the reporter in question, Teri Buhl, hasn’t just been fired from her job at Greenwich Time, a Hearst newspaper in Connecticut; her entire archive of blog entries there has disappeared, leaving only a message saying “This blog has been archived or suspended”. It’s as though Hearst wanted not only to fire her, but to make it seem as though they’d never hired her — although there is still an archive of stories she wrote for the newspaper itself.

What caused this vindictive and aggressive behavior towards a reporter who is, after all, now going to be looking for freelance work based on the quality of her clips? To erase all of those clips is harsh punishment indeed......

.....So what happened here? Buhl wrote about Gasparino a couple of times on the blog she was hired to write at the beginning of this year — the blog entries are now down, of course, but for the time being the Google cache can be seen here and here. They weren’t particularly nice about Charlie, and they called him “Gas-bag”, a common nickname which he doesn’t like. Angered, Charlie called up Zebora, Teri’s editor, and accused her of “stalking” him; Zebora, like any good editor, had her back.

But it didn’t end there: Charlie then called Zebora’s boss, McCumber, and made the same complaint. Once again, he didn’t get very far. And then Charlie went further still, calling Steven Swartz, the president of Hearst newspapers, again with the same complaint.

Meanwhile, another media bigwig was getting annoyed by Buhl. Buhl had written a story about Randall Lane for Dealbreaker in July 2009, saying that he would find it difficult to sell the assets of his bankrupt company, Doubledown Media, and that he’d given his cousin access to Doubledown’s subscriber list after promising his subscribers that he would never do such a thing.

Teri wrote about Lane on her Greenwich Time blog in February (Google cache here), and immediately Lane, too, started calling her superiors, complaining....

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