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Sunday, March 21, 2010

03/21/10 Jime Himes Reports That Universal Health Care, Passed

Jim Himes for Congress

We just passed the most important piece of legislation in a generation. When the President signs this bill, children will no longer be denied coverage because they have diabetes or once had an asthma attack, small businesses will get a 35% tax credit to help them provide insurance to their employees, and seniors will see immediate help for prescription drugs purchased in the donut hole. The health care reform we passed today will rein in costs, make coverage more accessible, and end the shameful practice of denying people coverage because they or a loved one gets sick. That's why I supported this legislation.

I know this was one of the most important votes that I will ever take. Not only will this historic legislation lower costs, improve quality and rein in the insurance industry - it's also the largest deficit-reduction package in nearly two decades. The bill contains nearly every tested idea for controlling growth in health care costs, including new requirements for insurers to disclose and justify premium increases, new insurance exchanges to promote competition, and historic new incentives for wellness and preventive care. Watch me discuss what else this groundbreaking legislation does in this video:

Jim Himes discusses Health Care

But I also know that taking a stand against the status quo means that I will be under constant attack from special interests from now until November. If you thought the millions spent communicating misinformation these past few months leading up to this landmark vote was intense, just wait until you see what's next. Opponents of reform are ready to unleash an unprecedented barrage of smears and falsehoods against me because of my vote.

Please consider supporting me before my March 31st reporting deadline.

Thank you,


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