Hyper Local News Pages

Sunday, February 14, 2010

02/14/10 Hearst Newspaper Senior Vice President Lincoln Millstein Defends Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson And Slams Sidney Freund

When Greenwich Time Editor David McCumber Ignored Superintendent Of Greenwich Public Schools Press Release, Sidney Freund Pushed The Matter One More Step Further By Writing A Letter To The Editor.

This Really Pissed Of Hearst Senoir Vice President Lincoln Millstein Who Shot Back With This Blog Post .....

Greenwich school chef’s mealy-mouthed letter to the editor
by Lincoln Millstein

Here is the predictable letter to the editor of the local paper from school supt Sid Freund who is trying to get off the hot seat for his off-the-cuff comment last Thursday night to the BET about Greenwich’ last of support for its schools.

Notice that Freund did not challenge the accuracy of the reporting. Yet he characterized the article as “sensational.”

No, Sid, what was sensational was the specter of the new Greenwich school superintendent telling the BET that he was surprised at how little the town supported its schools. This is a fact that needs to be broadcast. You need to be the champion of our children’s future and protect them from the slash-and-cut mentality of the BET.

How disappointing that you felt a need to equivocate your views last Thursday.


Building comments not meant to criticize

To the editor:

As part of the Board of Estimate and Taxation's annual budget review process, the superintendent, Board of Education chairman and the BET Budget Committee met on Thursday for an in-depth, five-hour discussion of the schools' 2010-11 budget request. Greenwich Time chose to focus a front page article with a sensational headline on a two-minute exchange that took place at the Thursday meeting, and thus missed the essence of the conversation on resource allocation and accountability.

I was asked to comment on the comparison of our buildings to those in other districts with which I am familiar. My frank response was that overall, our buildings are not as well maintained or up to date as those in some other districts. I stated that while much is provided for in the way of technology, furniture and supplies, the physical buildings are not what I would have expected in a community such as Greenwich.

While I acknowledged the success and importance of tax rate stabilization, I questioned whether the current practices for funding were serving the schools' needs. Had the discussion continued ......more »
Greenwich hasn't been taking good enough care of its schools -- and the long-standing reluctance in town to add to the tax burden is partly to blame.
That was the message first-term schools chief
Sidney Freund had for finance board members Thursday when asked to speak candidly about the condition of schools.....

"The schools are not in nearly the condition that I would have expected from Greenwich," Freund told the members of the Board of Estimate and Taxation's Budget Committee during a review of the school board's capital budget at Town Hall. Town...
....Town schools have languished, inside and out, with aging furniture, building spaces and other facilities in need of repair or replacement, the superintendent said.

Freund did not cite specific schools, but said the town's funding model is behind the problem......
.....Freund replied. "We're talking frankly. You asked me your question, I gave you my honest answer."

Before he took over as the Greenwich superintendent in July, Freund spent more than 10 years working as a schools leader in various Westchester County, N.Y., districts......
.....Simon added. "If Freund thinks it's bad today, he should have been here eight years ago.".....
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