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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

02/10/10 Greenwich Roundup Once Again Catches Colin "BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson In Once Again Inacurately Reporting The News

Citizen Blogger Asks For Greenwich Time’s Help
February 9, 2010 at 4:28 pm by colingustafson

This just in – firebrand blogger Brian Harrod has called the Greenwich Time to ask whether we have obtained an internal memo from the school district about the current leave of absence being served by retiring facilities director Anthony Byrne.

And if so, would we mind sharing it with him.....


First Of All, A Message About The Anthony Byrne Memo Was Left For Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson, Who Like Board Of Education Officials Was Too Cowardly To Return The Phone Call.

Many Times, Greenwich Time Reporters Over The Years Have Called Greenwich Roundup To Ask Questions Or To Get A Quote, And Each And Every Time Greenwich Roundup Has Had The Professional Courtesy To Quickly Return The Call.

Last Summer When Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Had Niel Vidgor Try And Do A Retaliatory Hatchet Job On Greenwich Roundup, This Reporter Was Man Enough To Pick Up The Phone And Respond To Each And Every Greenwich Time Question.

But Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Whipped Out When Greenwich Roundup Called Up.

It's Been Over 18 Hours And Colin Gustafson Has not had the Professional Courtesy To Return Greenwich Roundup's Phone Call, But He Has Time To Blog About The Phone Call.

Second Of All, Greenwich Roundup Never Asked If Colin "THE BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson To Share The January 4th Anthony Byrne Memo.

Greenwich Roundup Hereby Gives Permission For Colin Gustafson To Post The Audio Of The Greenwich Roundup's Phone Message At The Greenwich Real Time Blog.

Greenwich Roundup Even Challenges Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson To Post The Audio Of The Message Online.

But Colin Gustafson Can't Post It Because Greenwich Roundup Never Asked Colin To Give Him A Copy Of The January 4th Memo About Anthony Byrne.

Hearst Newspaper Editor David McCumber Should Really Explain To Cub Reporter Colin Gustafson That Intentionally False Statements Open The Greenwich Time To Litigation.

Right Now Colin Gustifson Is Probably Deleting That Incriminating Greenwich Roundup Message That Exposes Hearst Newspapers To Litigation.

Greenwich Roundup Is Going To Get The Memo Even If He Has To Have The State of Connecticut - Freedom of Information Commission Take Greenwich Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund To Court.

Moreover, If Greenwich Roundup Has To Go To The CT FOI Commission He Is Going To Ask That Greenwich Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund Be Fined As Part Of His Court Punishment.

Former Greenwich First Selectman Jim Lash Earned Himself A criminal Record And A Fine For Denying A Citizen Access To A Public Record.

The CT Freedom of Information Commission Fined Hartford City Attorney Carl Nasto $400 For Withholding Documents From The Public.

And When Greenwich Roundup Gets The January 4th Anthony Byrne Memo, He Is Going To Publish It For All To See.

He Is Not Going To Sit On It Like Colin "The BOE BROWN NOSE" Colin "THE BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson.

Many Times In The Past Greenwich Roundup Has Publicly Supported Citizens And Journalists Right To Access To Public Documents. Greenwich Roundup Has Often Reported About And Publicly Supported The Greenwich Time's Trouble In Getting Access To Public Documents.

Greenwich Roundup Has Never Remained Silent As Greenwich Governmental Officials Have Tried To Limit The Local Press Access.

There Is A Strong Tradition Among Journalists That If A Reporter Is Excluded From A Press Conference, All Reporters Walk Out Of The Press Conference.

The Press Conference Is Officially Over And The Story Is About How Governmental Officials Are Trying To Censor Unfavorable Press Coverage.

Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Is Not An Ethical Reporter.

But We All Know That Colin Gusafson Is Not A Real Reporter.

Time And Time Again He Fails To Report Both Sides Of The Story,

Usually He Only Talks To And Quotes School Administrators.

Any Documents, News Tips And Photos That Are Given To Greenwich Roundup Are Offered To Colin Gustafson And the Greenwich Time first.

Parents Went To The Greenwich Time First About Mold At The Hamilton Avenue School Modulars, But The Greenwich Time Reporters Ignored Them.

Parents Went To The Greenwich Time First With Complaints About Paul Burke, But Greenwich Time Reporters Ignored Them.

Parents went to the Greenwich Time first with the cover up about Anthony Byrne"s Dismissal.

But The Greenwich Time Always Gets Nervous In The Service When Things Get Controversial.

When The Greenwich Time Hired Leonard Levitt To Do An Investigative Report About The Martha Moxley Murder, Greenwich Time Editor Joe Pisani Refused To Publish The Story For Ten Years.

But Then There Was An Editor And Publisher Story About The Greenwich Time Cover Up And The Expose About Michael Skakel Was Published In The Greenwich Time.

If Editor And Publisher Had Not Exposed The Greenwich Time Cover Up Michael Skakel Might Still Be Walking The Streets Of Greenwich.

When Blogger Leonard Levitt Was Denied Access To A NYPD Press Pass, Because He Was Critical Of Raymond Kelly The Proffessional New York City Press Supported And Reported About The Governmental Censorship Of A Citizen Journalist And Blogger.


On January 10, 2007, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) notified Leonard Levitt, a journalist and blogger who operates NYPD Confidential, that it would not renew his press credentials.

Before this denial, Levitt had held NYPD press credentials for twenty-seven years, according to the New York Times. Levitt's petition in New York state court indicates that NYPD Confidential is a news gathering organization that covers spot or breaking news events on a regular basis.

[Mr. Levitt] provides in-depth investigative reporting of NYPD events, often exposing behavior and events the NYPD would rather be shielded from the public.

As explained in a New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) press release, Mr. Levitt believes that the NYPD denied him credentials in retaliation for his critical views about the department.

After the NYPD confirmed the denial of his press pass on appeal, Mr. Levitt asked the department for more information regarding its credentialing policies and procedures, and it allegedly refused to comply.

Levitt and the NYCLU subsequently filed a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request with the NYPD, asking for documents related to its policies and procedures governing press passes, and documents related to the department's denial of Mr. Levitt's application. The NYPD did not produce any responsive documents and denied an administrative appeal.

In response, on February 20, 2008, Levitt and the NYCLU filed a lawsuit in New York to compel production of the requested documents.

The NYPD turned over the requested documents in June 2008.

Related Links:

Anyway, Lets Get Back To Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin "BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson's Blog Post About Greenwich Roundup

The Greenwich Time Cub Reporters Writes .....

.....Now, if you know anything about his blog “Greenwich Roundup,” you know that Brian Harrod is no fan of the local rag, and has even come up with a few witty (often misspelled) monikers for the reporters whose work he so routinely features on his site.

There’s “Cub Reporter” Colin Gustafson, “Rookie Reporter” Debra Friedman, and “Neil Vidgor” (the spelling is ACTUALLY “Vigdor” — whoops!), to name a few......

Yes Colin It Is True, Greenwich Roundup Sometimes Makes A Few Spelling Errors, As You Know He Is Blind In The Right Eye And The Left Eye Is Crossed And He Types Out His Post Diligently With One Finger.

In Fact, Every Morning Greenwich Roundup Gets Up Every Morning And Washes His Face And Has To Look At His Right Eye That Had To Be Removed At Age Seven And Then Is Reminded In The Mirror That His Left Eye Is Crossed.

And He Thinks That He Is Not Going To Let Some Insensitive Jerk Like Colin Gustafson Discourage Him As He Struggles To Over Come His Handicap And Contribute To The Betterment Of Greenwich.

But We All Know That Colin Gustafson Has Always Been Insensitive To The Disadvantaged Members Of Greenwich Society.

When The Parents Of Greenwich's Poorest Children Came To The Greenwich Time With Photographs Of How The The New Hamilton Avenue School Construction Project Was Being Mismanaged, They Were Ignored.

The Greenwich Time Was Not Interested In Helping The Poorest And Weakest Members Of Greenwich Society.

But Greenwich Roundup Stood Up For The Children That Colin Gustafson Has Repeatedly Ignored.

Please See:

Unlike Colin Gustafson, Greenwich Roundup Knows How Hard It Is To Face This Rough And Tough World While Being Disadvantaged.

Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin The BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Has Aparently Never Heard That .....

"The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin The BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Finished His Greenwich Real Time Blog Post With ......

.....As you can imagine, I was pleasantly surprised to hear Brian’s friendly-sounding voice on the other end of the line this afternoon. … Brian — I’ll give you a ring in a little bit, just sit tight. … In the meantime, good luck with your story!

Odds Are That Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin The BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Doesn't Have The Guts To Pick Up The Phone And Answer The Question Of A Real Journalist Like Greenwich Roundup.

We Report Back If Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin The BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Grows A couple Of Journalist Balls And Picks Up The Phone To Answer Greenwich Roundup's Questions About The January 4th Anthony Byrne Memo.

Otherwise, Greenwich Time Cub Reporter Colin The BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson Might Just Be Answering Questions About His Access To Public Documents In A State of Connecticut - Freedom of Information Commission Lawsuit Against The Greenwich Board Of Education.

Don't Worry Colin If You Do Grow A Pair And Go After The Fraud Waste And Abuse At The Greenwich BOE Greenwich Roundup Will Stand Up Fight To Protect YOur Rights If Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund Retaliates Against You.

There Is One Reason And One Reason Only That Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund Is Denying Greenwich Roundup Access To BOE Public Records.

Thin Skined Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund Doesn't Not Like Stories Like These .....

Top Story:

Thin Skined Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund Only Likes News Stories Like This ....

By Colin Gustafson

Director of Facilities Anthony Byrne has tendered his resignation, effective sometime in March, according to Board of Education Chairman Steve Anderson.

School officials declined to discuss the reasons for Byrne's departure, saying it was a confidential matter.

"I'm not going to discuss personnel (matters), one way or the other," Superintendent of Schools Sidney Freund said.

Efforts to reach Byrne, whose absence began Jan. 4, on Thursday were unsuccessful.

"I was told (Byrne) was going to be retiring," First Selectman Peter Tesei said. He declined to discuss the matter further, saying it does not fall within his authority as first selectman......

Good Job Greenwich Time Cub Reporter

Colin "THE BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson.

Keep Up The Good Work !!!!!!


By The Way:

Greenwich Time Cub Reporter
Colin "THE BOE BROWN NOSE" Gustafson
Blog Post Got 1 Comment......

Mr. “Greenwich Roundup” Brian Harrod is a bit of a scalawag but his blog many times manages to fill in the gaps left in the public’s minds when the Greenwich Time is done with a story.

He is able to express opinions that ordinary reporters can’t and this is a unique feature that blogs have. Sometimes he even manages to beat GT to a story and enjoys that, as you know.

Links to other blogs, Fountain, Clark, Greenwich Diva et al with varied opinions on life in Greenwich is also a plus in Greenwich Roundup.

Enjoy the “Roundup” which I’m sure you read like I do.

- Comment by IDAHO — February 9th, 2010 @ 10:00 pm


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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