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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

01/20/10 Reader Submitted Comments: In Defense of Scott Shields

Dear Blogger,

After some investigating and phone calling, I have discovered that Joseph Hudak did NOT post the following entry:

"In Defense of Scott Shields," and does not, in fact, even use a computer. I believe it may be a felony to impersonate a New York City Fire Department employee? Mr. Hudak does not use a personal computer, so can not follow eBlogger's "impersonator complaint" prompts.

I am VERY concerned that Mr. Shields, a convicted felon, is once again conning the public by either posting to your blog or having someone else post for him as Joseph Hudak. This blog contains enormous libelous material that Mr. Hudak would NEVER write. Mr. Shields is clearly using you and your blog to attempt to clear his name. I intend to contact his legal supervising agent (ie. parole officer) tomorrow to register a formal complaint with her.

Nancy West


Dogged 9/11-Scam Pursuit
New York Post

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com


  1. Joseph Hudak submitted an almost identical letter to Federal Judge Kennedy duly notorized and signed.

    A notoried copy is available upon request.

    The internet has been used to great good, but in Mr Shields case, great evil.

  2. "In Defense of...."

    After some more investigating and phone calling, I have discovered that Joseph Hudak wrote the following entry:

    "In Defense of Scott Shields" on your blog.

    I believe it is not a felony to impersonate an investigatve reporter on the internet but whomever wrote the comment against the posting should be updated that Mr. Hudak does now use a personal computer and uses the computer on his telephone.

    I am VERY concerned that people once again are using the internet and not checking with original sources before commenting as "Fact".

    It seems that an old girlfriend of Mr Hudak contacted the poster with erroneous information about the letter submitted. Once again someone is using the internet and trying to con the public by either posting to your blog or having someone else post for them as a "trusted source". This blog contains material that Mr. Hudak wrote.

    Mr Hudak is clearly wrote your blog to attempt to clear his friends name.

    I intend to contact the FBI agent that protected Mr Shields for three years prior to indictment after he agreed to testify in Congress about the HAZMAT cover ups at the WTC. Maybe a formal complaint (if this is truly Mrs West) assuming this was not legitimate - since she never spoke to the source before making erroneous accusations.
    But then again, how would we ever know if it was really Nancy West, or Phil Porteus writing on your blog.

    Phil Porteus was convicted of crimes against Scott Shields and sentenced to
    3yrs in Federal Court in Newark in Feb 2009 (Case # 2006R00764). One of those charges was COMPUTER FRAUD.

    Mr Porteus was also the source of the case against Mr Shields and had conducted a similar operation against the former head of Childrens Protective Service in New York Chief Burt Borkin; who resigned from his job after years of harrassment from Mr Porteus.

    Mr Porteus was also thrown out of the United States Coast Gaurd Auxillary in 2008 for forging documents and banned from operations in NY harbor. Sound like a pattern?

    Wonder what this is really all about?

    Go to YouTube: Bearsdad2 to hear and see real New York City Firefighters talk about Mr Shields and his dog Bear. Maybe you'll never believe anything you read on the internet again!

    George Orwell would be rolling over in his grave to see the the rewriting of history and the abuse of the internet he predicted in 1984 to be happening in the 2000's


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