Hyper Local News Pages

Friday, December 4, 2009

12/04/09 A Chance For Greenwich Residents To Join Linda 2010 Bloggers


Thank you for supporting Linda McMahon in her campaign for US Senate in Connecticut!

My name is Jodi Latina working alongside Mike Lurie, and we’re from Linda McMahon’s New Media Department. It is our mission to give you the tools you need to spread word about Linda throughout the online world.

If you have a personal blog, please send us your URL so we can give you the latest news on Linda to publish.

If you don’t have your own personal blog, no problem. We you can also use your support on Facebook and Twitter. If you’re not on either site, it’s easy to join. See how by clicking here for a handy how-to video guide for Facebook and here for Twitter.

For those well versed in Twitter, you can help us today by tweeting about Linda’s latest campaign ad.

Once again, thank you for expressing interest in blogging for Linda and spreading her message online! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

All the Best,

Jodi Latina – jlatina@linda2010.com – @JodiLatina8

Mike Lurie – mlurie@linda2010.com – @Halfecstatic


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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