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Saturday, November 21, 2009


I respect Joe Lieberman for not letting this healthcare bill get ramrodded through. The house members including Jim Himes haven't read the whole thing through and probably have been given selling points to tell their districts, I would think that a bill of this magnitude would require a little more time and discussion before passing, what's the rush, it won't take effect before 2013.

Jim Himes would probably never have voted for this if he was still at Goldman Sachs, it flys in the face of free enterprise . Chris Dodd, Mr. I never knew anything, give me a break,

The democrats have to come out from under Pelosi's skirt and do whats right for the country. I'm sure their healthcare plan for which they pay nothing for will not be affected at all. So before everyone knocks Joe Lieberman, think about the size and cost of this pending disaster of a bill.

Remember the famous saying " I'm from the government and I'm here to help !


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