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Friday, November 20, 2009

11/20/09 BOE MEETING BRIEF: November 19, 2009

MONTHLY MEETING - Thursday, November 19, 2009 at Hamilton Avenue School

Board Member Induction:
Re-elected Board Members Steven Anderson and Leslie Moriarty, and newly
elected members, Nancy Kail and Peter Sherr, were officially inducted to
the Board of Education at last night's meeting.

Election of Board Officers:
Steven Anderson was elected Chairman, 8-0; Leslie Moriarty was elected
Vice-Chairman, 8-0; and Michael Bodson was elected Secretary, 8-0.

Superintendent's Report:
Dr. Sidney Freund highlighted the welcome breakfast at Central Middle
School for recently appointed Principal Shelley Somers and his visits to
schools and with PTAs across the District. He presented the monthly update
on progress made on the District's Strategic Improvement Action Plan. See

Board Reports:
Glenville School Building Committee - Mr. Bodson reported that the new
Glenville School is opening on December 1, 2009, on time and under budget!
GHS Music Instructional Space and Auditorium Building Committee (MISA)-
Mrs. Moriarty reported that the building committee had completed and filed
a variance application with Planning & Zoning and were working on
finalizing the schematic design for the project.

2010-2011 Board Meeting Calendar:
Ms. Eves presented the proposed calendar of Board of Education meetings
for 2010-11. The calendar will return to the Board for action on December
17, 2009.

2011-2012 School Calendar
Dr. Freund presented two options for the proposed 2011-12 School Calendar.
Discussion focused on the February break, proposed to encompass
President's Day, leaving only one week before the start of the State's
Standardized Testing window in March. A sense of the Board indicated a
preference for moving the Feb. vacation week to Feb.13-17, 2012 and making
up the extra day at the end of the school year. The 2011-12 School
Calendar will return to the Board for action on December 17, 2009.

Strategic School Profiles Report
Mr. John Curtin presented the annual State-issued Strategic School Profile
Reports for 2008-09. Edits to the narrative section of the reports around
the District's efforts to address racial balance were suggested.

Update on Modulars
Dr. Susan Wallerstein reported on the results of a second RFP to remove
and/or demolish the modulars on site at Western Middle School. Board added
an item to the 12/3/09 Work Session to take action on demolishing and
removing the modulars, and restoring the property at Western.

Action Items:
Monitoring Report E-003 - Reading, Accepted 8-0
Opportunities for Student Involvement, Approved 8-0
Monthly Financial and Staffing Report, Approved 8-0
Transfers of $10,000 or More, Approved 8-0
Resolution to Amend GPS 403(b) Retirement Plan Document, Approved 8-0
BOE Minutes 10/8/09, 10/22/09, Approved 8-0
Policy Revision, E-001 Programs, Services and Curriculum, Approved 8-0

BOE 2009-10 Agenda Plan
Reviewed and adjusted per discussion. The plan is available as part of
Board materials for each work session and regular monthly meeting.

Next Board Meeting
The next meeting is the Board of Education Budget Meeting on Tuesday,
December 1, 2009, 7:00 PM at Cos Cob School. There will be an opportunity
for a public hearing, followed by a Board discussion on the budget Q&A.

Board of Education Meeting information is available on the GPS Web Site:

Meeting Calendar: on GPS home page and under Board section of the site

Meeting Agenda: Posted approximately 4-5 working days prior to meeting, go
to calendar on home page or Board section of the site, click on meeting

Meeting Documents: Posted approximately 3-4 working days prior to meeting
and as available, go to calendar on home page or Board section of the
site, click on meeting date.

Meeting Minutes: Posted in DRAFT form after the Board meeting, and in
Final form after Board approval on BOE Meeting Minutes page:

* A Monitoring Report is a comprehensive annual report presented to the
Board of Education by Administration. The report summarizes compliance
with a given Board Policy, detailing governance issues, management issues,
and progress made toward achieving goals and objectives set in previous
reports. Monitoring Reports may be found on the GPS Web Site at:

Kim Eves
Director of Communications
Greenwich Board of Education
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830


Phone: 203-625-7415
e mail:
Fax: 203-869-8003


Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

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