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Thursday, November 19, 2009


Greenwich Round-up EXCLUSIVE.

By The Greenwich Monitor


Every time the Architectural Review Commission (ARC) meets $10,000 worth of talent and time is assembled. But, the Planning and Zoning Commission (P & Z) has conspicuously demoted this decades old august institution to the approval and guidance of the mere trivial trifles of signage, it's lighting and the HVAC screening on rooftops.

Architectural approval and guidance on the big ticket items, the
very Architecture of the building, that gives Greenwich Ave. its
dynamics and vibrancy the P & Z delegates to the amateurs of the
Historic District Commission (HDC). The building's architecture is
the force that brings the big money shoppers to the doors of the of
exciting, cutting edge design. Encouragement by the professional
volunteers of the ARC goes for naught. Nothing, no use of the pro-bona
talent because they don't even get a whiff of the project till the lights over the door need approving. The HDC has usurped the vital role of the professional architects. Their involvement a little late
in the game.

By giving the sole approval to the HDC, the P & Z demonstrates their
desire to hobble growth and re-vitalization of the lower half of the
Avenue, long regarded as the low rent, low class end of the Avenue,
clandestinely trying to create an authorized Historic District,
cheating the property owners of deserved wealth. And the Town of a few
bucks of taxes from the appreciated Taxable value.

The P & Z wants to turn back the clock to the architecture of
corrupt old days of
Tammany Hall cronies and their run down buildings of
insignificant design.

What's up? The study of the secret minutes of the HDC, hidden by
HDC, reveals its desire to create a faux history fabricated to an
imaginary history.

Who wants to shop in storefronts of yesteryear? The monied
kids of today, the movers and shakers of tomorrow, want relevance,
truth, vision. Think Apple Store. The HDC wants sleepy yesterday, and on the Avenue no less. Rents of $100 a square foot aren't justified by buggy whip
sales. Or, store fronts of the bygone era.

Greenwich is the most concentrated town of wealth, taste and
style in the world. But the P & Z's marginalization of the ARC
architects, giving exclusive control and custody to the HDC amateurs,
cheats the building owners, the store owners, the loyal customers of
wealth and thrill derived from significant and dynamic buildings that
the HRC talent could stimulate.

Speculation of the possible cause of the calamity inflicted by
the ill advised P & Z connivance with the HDC? The schism of the
Greenwich Republican Party (RTC),
too big to fail, may be the power
play behind the diminution of the ARC's brilliance in favor of the
HDC's rear view mirror vision.


10/13/09 HDC Is Stealing ARC's Cookies With P&Z's Blessing?

10/15/09 Reader Submitted Comments: Historic District Commission


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